I hate peanut butter

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~1 month later~


I sat in bed, a back brace thing around my torso, WHO had used pillows to prop me up. I was waiting for WHO to come back with a wheelchair for me as today was the day he said I could go home. Everyday I've been in the hospital, EU has come to visit me, bringing me a rose each time he visits. Others had visited me too, FBI, NATO, America, ASEAN, and other countries as well, but they hadn't visited as often as EU.

Japan had come by a few days after I was admitted and told me about how North Korea claimed he saw someone. He showed me a drawing NK made to show what he saw that day. NK had drawn LON in almost perfect detail, I never knew he had such a good photographic memory, let alone able to see ghosts. Japan also told me about how almost everyone at the meeting saw a flash of blue light hit the chandelier before the chain broke. I pretended that I didn't know what that could've been, but I knew way too well what it was, and with North's drawing it confirmed what I thought had happened.

WHO gave me a light green hoodie and white shorts to wear for when I went home. From what EU's has told me, Cloud has been incredibly upset about me not being there. Sadly, EU can't bring Cloud to visit, but he did say that when it was time for me to come home, he could bring Cloud with him.

WHO finally came back with a wheelchair and helped me get in it. He wheeled me out of the room and started for the elevator leading to the main lobby. "Um, WHO?" I say, "hm?" "Can we please not go to the lobby; I don't want people to see me like this..." I look down in shame about my current situation, I never liked seeing people who I don't know see me in a state of pain or injury, "fine, as you wish brother," he wheels me to a different elevator that leads to a back hallway and a back exit. The back brace was tight around my body and was definitely not going to be comfortable for me to wear for the next couple of weeks. WHO and I get to the back door, and he pulls out his phone and calls EU to get me.

After a couple minutes, EU pulled up into a parking lot in front of us. I saw Cloud sitting in the back seat and as soon as he saw me, he started barking like mad, his tail wiggling like crazy. "Looks like someone is excited to see you," WHO said as EU came out the car and walked towards us. He kissed me on the cheek and went to talk to WHO about what I can and can't do and when I can take the brace off. Cloud jumped into the front seat and put his little paws on the dashboard barking like crazy. "Oh EU, let that poor boy out the car," I say while patting his arm, "oh alright," he says while going to the car and opening the door so Cloud can jump out. My little puppy jumped out of the car and came running straight towards me, putting his front paws in my lap and licking my face. "Hi buddy," I say through laughs, I pet my puppy and EU goes back to talking to WHO.

EU and WHO finally stop talking and EU gently picks me up bridal style and takes me to his car, Cloud trotting behind us. He gently placed me down in the seat, and opened the back door for Cloud to get in. He says goodbye to WHO and gets in the driver seat, starting the car and starting the small drive back to my home.

~Back at UN's home~

EU sat me on my bed and got nice and snuggled up next to me, kissing my nose and holding my waist, Cloud is snuggling into my back. "Does anything hurt?" EU asks, I shake my head and get closer to him, "what about your wings?" I glance back at my folded-up wings, they were in a splint type thing and were currently not able to move at all, "they don't hurt, they can't hurt when they're not able to move," I say, he nods and kisses my cheek again. "Do you want anything to eat?" he asks, I think for a moment and finally reply, "some like soup or something would be nice," "do you want me to get some uber eats?" "If you want, or I could just have something from here, like a sandwich," "do you want soup or a sandwich?" "Mostly soup, but if you don't want to spend money, I'll just take a sandwich," he frowns and gets up to get his phone, laying back down with me after grabbing it. "What kind of soup do you want?" he questions while turning on his phone and probably opening the uber eats app, "um, tomato soup, please," he nods and starts typing something, clicking a few buttons and turning off his phone to go back to cuddling me.

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