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It's been a couple weeks since the last little "incident," but EU is still staying with me. Me and EU have gotten very close, we have weekly movie nights, and we like to cuddle sometimes, oh, and we like to go on picnics and walks with Cloud. We've been spending so much time together even Cloud is starting to like him. I haven't seen LON in a while, which with our relationship was a pretty good thing.

As the weeks have passed, Valentine's Day has been creeping around the corner, candy, stuffed animals, balloons, cards, etc, have been popping up in every store. Every time me and EU go to the store it looks like Cupid himself threw up in the middle of the store, and EU's been acting weird and has been disappearing in the middle of the night some days. I've questioned EU about his disappearances, but he just brushes it off as him either getting a midnight snack or he was going to the bathroom, but I know he's lying because I've checked the kitchen and he's never there and the bathroom light is never on at night. Eventually I decided to just drop the problem.

Today was another meeting, the day was February 7th, 1 week before Valentine's Day, and since it was almost Valentine's Day, I decided to decorate the meeting room for the occasion, with the help of the other 3 orgs of course.

I forced EU to wake up extra early today so we can get to the UN building to decorate, he was not happy. We got to the building and ASEAN and NATO were already waiting for us in the meeting room. I place a box filled with Valentine's Day decor on the table and start pulling out a bunch of random pink, white, and red heart shaped decor. "God, do we really have to do this? It's just Valentine's Day," NATO complains while rubbing his eyes, "yes, yes, we do, Valentine's Day is a holiday just like all the other holidays. Just because you don't have anyone to celebrate with, doesn't mean you shouldn't want others to celebrate," I reply, ASEAN started laughing at NATO and calling him a single B, I didn't comment on the swear.

I send EU off to go get a latter so we can hang the decorations, and once he had left FBI sauntered into the room yelling, "sup fuckers! Your favorite Organization has arrived!" I rolled my eyes at the dramatic entrance and at the fact that FBI is even here. I never really liked FBI, he always flirted with me even though he legit babysat me and NATO when we were young, and his flirtatious advances started as soon as a turned 18. Me, ASEAN, and NATO all greet FBI and I go back to pulling out decorations. FBI comes over to me and places his hand on my lower back, "watcha doing shorty?" he questions with a smirk, "I'm pulling out decorations so I can decorate the room for the occasion" I reply with a tight smile, god I just want to shove him away and yell at him, but I kept my composure and continued sifting through the box.

EU finally comes back with the latter and places it down in the corner while greeting FBI. "So, uh, why exactly are you here, FBI?" ASEAN questioned, "I wanted to warn the countries about the rising crimes in the city, I know that humans can't kill us but it's better for them to know," I pull out the last of the decorations and quickly shove away from FBI and hand EU some decor, "here, hang these up for me, right below the ceiling," he nods and gets to work. I hand the other Orgs decorations and tell them where to put them. We all get to work.

~Small Time skip~

As EU was putting up the Valentine's Day decorations the latter, he was on started to wobble, "um, EU, you should be careful, the latter is wobbling," I warn, he turns a bit and replies, "it's ok, I got this, it's just wobbling from me moving," he replies. Just then the latter breaks and EU begins to fall. All of a sudden, the stars circling his head multiply and form a loose ball around him and he begins to float in midair. "What the actual fuck!?" NATO yells, "since when do you have magical stars," FBI questions, EU stars suddenly returned to their place floating above his head and he fell to floor with a hard thud, "ow-" he cried out. "Why don't we get back to work and we'll talk about this later," I say, they all nod, and we get back to work.

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