Mind your business news people

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Idk if I'm supposed to put this or not but TW: mentions of Third Reich and Twitter being Twitter


'You're fine UN, just get the gun and everything else will be easy,' I quickly get out of my car and walk up to the navy-blue mansion, NATOs house, the place where all my problems will be solved with a certain object I need. I don't grab the spare under the flowerpot only because WHO gave me NATO's keys because he needs me to take Bear to my house so I can take care of him while NATOs away.

I open the door and immediately get jumped on by Bear, but he gets down after seeing me, tilting his head a bit with a confused look, "hey buddy, your dad isn't going to be able to take care of you for a while, so you have to come to my house," I say as gently as possible while kneeling in front of him to pet him. He whines and licks my face, he and Cloud are such smart puppies, it's almost like they can understand us. I get up and go around the house to get all of Bear's required things. I had brought my backpack and a bag. I was going to put Bear's stuff in the back and put whatever gun I grabbed in the backpack with some toys around it so it wouldn't make noise.

I grab Bear's food and water bowls, his leash and harness, multiple bags of treats, I grab the biggest plastic bag I could find and fill it up with as much dog food it could fit, and a bunch of Bear's toys. He picked out the toys himself, it was really cute. I put the bag in the car along with Bear's dog bed before having Bear sit in the back of my car, with the windows down of course, while I went back inside to get a gun.

'Now where would NATO keep his guns?' 'Go upstairs and to the left, the door at the very end of the halfway is NATO's weapon room,' I followed the voices directions and found myself in a room with guns, swords, knives, and a bunch of other types of weapons along the walls. I looked around the walls at all the guns trying to decide which one to take, some were definitely dustier than others, but they still looked like NATO would still use them, but there was a gun in the corner that was way dustier than any other weapon there, it was small, I think a handgun? Or is it a pistol? I don't know what guns look like, I've just listened to NATO talk about them, but this gun was perfect for what I need, since it looked like it hasn't been used in years, NATO definitely wouldn't notice it was gone, 'take that one, it's perfect, make sure you get the ammo from the box next to it,' I grab the gun and ammo and tuck it under all of Bears toys, 'I'll hide it under my bed, wait, no, Bear or Cloud might sneak under there and find it and pull it out,' 'hide it in your underwear drawer, no one will go snooping there,' 'ok..' I get back to my car and drive home.

When I get home, I take out all of Bear's stuff and set them up around my house right next to all of Cloud's stuff while both dogs run around and play with each other. Before I put Bear's toys in his bed I go to my room and hide the gun and ammo under my underwear. I dump all of Bear's toys onto his bed and hang my backpack by the front door. 'Go kill yourself now, you have an open spot right now, go do it, end everyone's misery, now before they get hurt even more,' I wince at the voices persistence on me shooting myself, I want to do it but it seems scary, it sounds like it will hurt really bad, I just want to "die" in a painless way, 'you don't deserve a painless death, you deserve as much pain as possible, and shooting yourself is the only way, hanging yourself, overdosing on pills, stabbing yourself in the heart, all of those you can recover from and still be able to do your stupid job, but shooting yourself, well now that is going to give you so much brain damage, maybe even make you go brain dead, either way you'll end up dissolved, so go shoot yourself, now' 'what about the dogs? I know the maids will probably take care of them but they needs walks, and cuddles, they'll be sad,' 'you're such a baby, the dogs don't care if you're around or not, they be perfectly fine without you, and EU will probably take Cloud so why do you care, no likes you, just go d13 @LlLlLlLlLlLlLlLlready,' I sigh and go to my room, locking the door behind me before opening the drawer and grabbing the gun and quietly examining it while sitting on my floor. 'You can't shoot yourself with an empty gun, idiot' 'right... sorry...' I grab the ammo and open the box, only 1 bullet, 'looks like you only get one shot, don't mess it up you worthless piece of sh-' 'don't use foul language, aren't you supposed to be my self conscious or something?' 'I'm your right conscious, that means everything I say is right because you know it's true and I'm just reminding you of those truths,' 'oh, ok... so that means you're right about EU not loving me and he's just dating me out of pity?' 'Yes, I thought you accepted this already? Why are you so dumb,' 'I'm sorry... I forgot...' 'this is why you're useless, can't remember simple things, since you forgot why don't I remind you, 👏EU👏DOESN'T👏ACTUALLY👏LOVE👏YOU👏NO👏ONE👏LIKES👏YOU👏JUST👏GO👏KILL👏YOURSELF ALREADY👏' 'why can I hear you clapping??' 'I don't know, but think about what I said because it's true, I've been saying it's true for the past 30 minutes and you still don't believe me, even though all the evidence in there,' 'what evidence,' 'notice how your "friends" don't call you a lot and only talk to you at your work, they actually used to go out without you purposely and talk trash about you behind your back, the only reason they stopped was because BRICS and AU left, because they were annoyed with you of course, and EU had to stay with you because you a weak brat and can't handle your own problems, so now it's just ASEAN and NATO and they hate that you caused all their friends to stop hanging out with them because of you,' 'oh...' 'yeah, you believe me now?' 'yes...' tears begin to stream down my face as I think of horrible things about me and just make myself want to die even more.

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