A rip in time...?

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I open my eyes to nothing but white. It was just a white world where nothing existed but me. 'Am I dead...?' I look at my hands and see I'm in a dress, a soft, snow-white, multi-layer dress. It had 5 layers, each layer getting longer and longer with a part in between showing off a tight skirt. I was in heels that wrapped around my legs and had a rose on the side of my waist. 'Why am I in a dress? Where am I? Is this where I'm supposed to spend eternity? This is going to be a lonely afterlife...' I sit down sadly and stare at the white ground, which slowly begins to change. "Huh?" I look around as a space begins to form around me, it was a hallway in the UN building.

I saw myself standing in the hallway writing something down on a clipboard, 'what the?' I stood up and stood in front of me, but other me didn't look up, so I waved my hand in his face, nothing. I attempted to grab other me's shoulder and my hand just phased through, 'I'm a ghost?' All of a sudden EU walked up to other me and grabbed his waist from behind, "hi honey," EU said, "hi darling, what do you need?" other me replied, "I got you something," EU help up a blue raspberry ring pop in a plastic bag, "I accidentally ripped the bag, so it has to be in a plastic bag," he explained, other me giggled and took the ring pop, "what's this for darling?" "I want to get married for real this time," I question what he was talking about but then I remembered that when EU was younger, he gave a ring pop to try and marry me. This realization made me giggle and continue to watch the, I assume, future versions of me and EU, "oh? Is this a real proposal or are you just pulling a cute joke?" other me questions with a smile, "I don't know, why don't you eat your ring pop to find out love?" EU says before softly kissing other me's neck. Other me giggles and begins to eat the ring pop but says, "I have to go now love, but I'll see you later dear, alright?" "Alright love, bye honey," EU says, he kisses other me's cheek and walks away.

The world fades to white but fades back into a new scene, this time in my office. I'm sitting at the desk eating the ring pop while typing something on the computer, at some point other me notices something and takes the ring pop out of his mouth and there's a little plastic bag in the ring pop, 'odd, last time I checked, you don't get little gifts in ring pops,' other me begins eating the ring pop again but it now focused on finishing the ring pop. After a bit other me finished the ring pop and found a little plastic baggie containing a beautiful diamond ring, both me's gasped and stared at the ring.

After a little bit other me quickly rips the bag open and holds the ring gingerly in his hand, again just staring at it and turning it in the light. All of a sudden other me quickly stands up and runs out the room, 'oh Jesus-' I run after him I'm wearing HEELS, 'how do women in horror movies do it????' I practically break my legs while running after other me and other me leads me to EU's office and slams the door open, and EU is just sitting there with a smirk on his face, "I see you found my surprise darling," he says while getting up and walking over to where other me and I were standing, "is... is this real...?" Other me asked, "Of course darling, why wouldn't it be?" "How did you even...?" "I made a mold with one ring pop then melted a ring pop and poured the juice into the mold with the ring and froze it, but the real question is, what do you say?" "Yes... YES!" Other me hugged EU tightly and began kissing him all over. I blush and begin thinking about how much I want this to happen in the future, but before I could see anything else, the scene changed again, this time I'm in a lab.

I knew this lab, it was ASEANs, though I haven't been in it for a long time now because of some "big project," he was doing. I walked around and came into a room where ASEAN was in lab attire and was typing something on a computer while next to a giant machine that looked like a makeshift portal. I step closer to him and see he's typing in a code. Eventually he stops typing and enters the code, causing the room to explode with light sending ASEAN flying backwards into a wall and blinding me for a few seconds. After I recover my vision, I see ASEAN standing in front of a swirling purple portal looking thing, and I watch as he grabs a pencil and tosses it into the portal, when he figures he probably won't get evaporated, he puts his hand into the purple thing and then steps all the way in. I try to follow him, but I just end up outside his lab, and the scene changes AGAIN, but it's weirder this time, and it only lasts for a second before going back to white.

I see a girl floating in midair while watching words type themselves out in front of her, it was describing everything I was seeing, she quickly turns around and says, "you're not supposed to be here!" and then she and the words are gone, just like that, how did she see me? Wasn't I supposed to be a ghost type thing? I try to shake it off and wait for the next scene thingy... I end up in a bedroom that looked like a rich person N@z1 prison, and by that, I mean, it had gray walls, a bed with a thin mattress and bed sheets, a wardrobe, a door possibly leading to a bathroom, a dim light, a desk with a laptop on it, and N@z1 posters all over the walls, 'what is this place...?' I looked around and heard a door opening behind me, when I looked it was EU, but he looked tired and defeated, and he had a... A SW@ST1C@ ARMBAND??!! And a uniform that looked like a N@z1 uniform from when they were in power, and a... shock collar?? What is happening here?? I quietly watch in shock as EU grabs a screwdriver and gently undo a piece of wood from the floor and pulls out a few framed pictures of me, and he pulls a necklace out from under his shirt. The necklace had 3 rings on it, one was the engagement ring I saw from the other scene and the other 2 looked like wedding rings, one his, one mine, I think.

EU quietly sits on the floor and stares at the pictures while clutching the rings tightly, a few tears slipping down his face as he does so. 'What happened to me...?' someone bangs at the door and EU's rushes to hide the photos, screwdrivers, and necklace just in time for someone to burst open the door...


HAHA, no figuring out if UN is dead or not for you >:) also I lied in my post- It's spoilers/trailers for 2 future books-

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