Old friends finally come back

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Us organizations were all just peacefully sleeping when someone slammed the door open and a feminine voice yelled, "hello again bitches, your babysitters have arrived," "shut up AU, we aren't there babysitters," a male voice said, "no, we are, they get into less trouble when we're around, especially NATO," all of us previously asleep organizations groan as we sit up to try and figure out who ruined our beauty sleep. "Look what you did Union, you woke them up, you know how UN and NATO get emotional when they're tired," the male voice said, and he was right, my family and I do tend to get a bit emotional and upset when we're tired, "oh shut up BRICS, first you say we aren't their babysitters but now you act like we're there parents or something," BRICS and AU, I know those names.

I curl back up under my blankets as I really didn't want to be awake right now, but a third voice walked into the room while saying, "what the fuck, when did y'all get here? And why did you wake them all up, 3 out of 4 of them become assholes when woken up to early," "we heard what happened to them yesterday so we decided our time in our respective continents was up since they get into so much trouble when we're not around," AU said, I heard someone groan and NATO said, "fucking Christ it's too early for this shit, can't y'all come back later during normal hours," "it's actually noon, so get up," AU shot back, I heard three more groans and the sound of shuffling sheets, "there, we're up, what do you want," EU said, "well UN isn't up but whatever, as for what I want, I assume all of y'alls suits are fucked up since all of you guys got shot so I want to go shopping, with all of us, to get new suits, BRICS really needs it, orange is not his color," AU explained, "fuck you," BRICS shot at her.

"WHO? Can they go yet? I know it's only been a day but I want to torture them with trying on new clothes," AU asked, "sure, but NATO and UN will have a slight limp for a while, but they need clothes" WHO replied, "great, OW, NATO WHAT THE FUCK," AU yelled as something metal hit the floor as NATO spoke up, "those are the keys to my house, y'all can go there and get me some clothes, please? But also feed Bear, he didn't have dinner yesterday, also he might bite, or growl, depends on if he remembers you," "I volunteer BRICS as tribute to get NATO some clothes," AU said while probably shoving the keys into BRICS hands, "ASEAN, EU, UN, give me your keys," WHO said, I grumble and curl up tighter under the sheets, "I don't know where you put my keys," EU said, "same," ASEAN also said, "oh right, I put y'alls keys in my office, apparently except for NATO's keys though, I'll go get them," I assume WHO left because I heard the door shut.

"BRICS, go get NATO some clothes and his dog some food, don't get your dick bitten off though, though it wouldn't make a difference since it's so small," AU commanded, NATO started laughing and EU questioned, "how do you know that AU? Is there something you guys aren't telling us?" now NATO was wheezing, "EW WHAT THE FUCK, HELL NO," AU and BRICS yelled in unison, "you guyyyss are sooooo louddddddd," I complained while shoving my head under a pillow, "sorry UN," EU said, "BRICS, go, you I am an impatient women," AU said while probably shoving BRICS, "fine, fine, but if that dog does bite me, I'm coming for your neck NATO," NATO mumble a "whatever" and I hear the door shut telling me that BRICS left.

Someone picks me up and forces me to sit up in the bed, the bright lights give me a headache and I turn to the traitor who made me sit up and see its EU. "Why are you so meeeaaannnn," I complain while burying my face into his neck, "because it's lunch time and you need to wake up, we can get you some coffee if that will help," EU said, I stayed silent as I cuddled into him and tried to go back to sleep, "NATO, are they dating?" AU asked, "yes, don't tell the countries though, they don't know," NATO answered, "also what's with WHO's and UN's tails? Last time I checked they don't have tails," "that's my fault," ASEAN said, "okaaay?"

The door opened and closed and WHO said, "I'm back, where's BRICS?" "I sent him to go get NATO some clothes and to feed NATOs dog," "alright, well I got the keys, you can get ASEAN's clothes, I'll get EU's and UN's," "alright," "we'll be back peoples," WHO says before the both of them leave.

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