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January 4, 2023 (recognize this >:)? If you don't go searching for this date on my bio-)

Hello again diary,

First of all, happy new year, but now for the actual entry.

The past couple weeks have been... interesting to say the least. To start off, ASEAN and NATO are platonic boyfriends now?? A couple weeks ago, while us organizations were hanging out in our little break room, NATO was complaining about how he wanted a boyfriend, and ASEAN said he'll be his boyfriend??? We all looked at him confused for good reason, he was aroace, but he explained that they could call each other boyfriends but in a completely platonic way, like no kissing or anything, just calling each other the title of boyfriends. NATO agreed so now I guess they're dating platonically? But on the other hand, do you remember how I talked about NATO feeling really weird about his missing arm and not being able to control his robotic arm ASEAN made for him? Well, he's gotten better at it but every week he visits with ASEAN to check on it and for ASEAN to teach him how to use it. I think it's very sweet that ASEAN is doing that for him but I'm still a bit concerned about NATO's mental wellbeing after the... incident... I've asked my therapist about it, and she suggested NATO start writing in a diary like me. I told NATO that and I think he took my advice, but NATO is a stubborn guy, so I don't really know. I do know that NATO has and still is losing a lot of muscle because of what happened, WHO says that after some time he'll get better to where he can work out again, but NATO is still very sad about how much weight and muscle he's losing.

But let's move on from that now, EU and I have officially moved in together. As you already know, diary, WHO wanted EU to live with me to watch over me, but EU and I didn't want to get rid of our homes, so we compromised, and we hired an architect to examine my and EU's homes and made a mixture of both of our homes. And it's finally been furnished and painted to perfection, and I absolutely love it. It has everything EU and I need, and it has a pool! The pool was from EU's home and Cloud loves swimming in it, sometimes he comes inside soaking wet and it's always funny to see EU's shocked face of a wet Cloud on the furniture. EU and I have still kept up with our weekly movie nights and our couples therapy every other week since I'm still having some doughnuts from my little... incident... but I'm getting better and EU still loves me, if not even more, and I've never felt so close to him before.

I have to go now diary; EU and I are supposed to have a nice cuddle session right now and I can't miss it.

I close my light blue and white striped diary and walk to my and EU's room where EU was already waiting for me in bed, "hello my darling," I say with a smile while I cuddle up to him and allow him to hold me close to him. "Did you write in your diary today?" EU asks, I nod as I try to get closer to EU and wrap my wings around us.

EU pulls out his phone and holds it up to take a selfie, "say cheese my darling," I pose, and he takes a cute selfie of us and then puts his phone away. I feel tired and begin to drift off to sleep as EU holds me tight.

~Time Skip~

I sat at my desk and began to look up a certain website Texas recommended to me called 'Wattpad'. He said it was a website for stories and said I could probably post about the events of the past year as a coping mechanism. I asked my therapist and she said that it was a good idea so now I was making an account. I chose the username TheOneAndOnlyUN and to have a display name of UN. It took me so long to create a password, but I finally got it to work and now I just had to customize my account. I chose blue flowers for my banner and the cute selfie EU, and I took earlier, and I wrote a nice description.

'Now time to write my first book,' I thought to myself as I opened the little book maker thing on the website. I begin to write. I want people to read this and think of it as a cute little story with nice characters, they don't have to think I'm the real UN I just want them to enjoy this story of my life.

As I write the first sentence, I read it to myself in my head, 'I let out a groan as I wake to the sound of my alarm'...


AAAANNNNNDDDD THAT'S A WRAP! Thank you for reading this and I have never felt more fulfilled, I rarely ever finish things I start. But this was fun, and I can't wait to start on the next book and it is going to be a topic I absolutely love, but no spoilers, yet ;) anyways thank you for reading and thank you for staying around till the end.

"Ahh, that was cute," the girl leaned back as she watched the words write themselves out in front of her. She turned to the second girl and said, "so, redacted, what are your plans for the next book?" redacted, a redacted who sat floating midair writing on their computer, begins to speak, "I can't tell you Luna, it's a surprise," "but you told me about what happens in this one!" Luna pouted, "I know, but if you haven't noticed, I'm still writing, they're still reading, I can't say what happens next," Luna looked at redacted confused, "why are you writing? They weren't supposed to know about my existence," "I know, but there has been some change of plans for the sequel and so they must know about you, but do not worry, your existence is the only spoiler about the next book they will be getting," "hm, fine," "I've said enough now it's time to end this for now, goodbye Everyone, until then next book,"

~The End~

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