EU is gay af

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I pull up to UN's house and once we are inside, I have UN sit on the couch while I go change. UN wanted to take Cloud on a walk, and I had to go with him, but I had no complaints, it would be lovely to go on a walk with UN.

I changed into a light sweater and jeans and headed back downstairs and into the kitchen to grab some food. I planned to turn this walk into a picnic, a nice picnic in a nice part of the forest I had found the other day. The forest was nearby so it wasn't like I was making UN and Cloud walk miles just to have a nice picnic.

I look around for a picnic basket and when I don't find one, I look for a maid and ask where one is, if UN has any. "Excuse me" I say to a maid, "do you know where and if UN has any picnic baskets?", "oh, yes, follow me", she led me to a closet-like room where there were many holiday decorations in boxes and a bunch of silverware, fancy China, and what looked like a bunch of old little kids dresses and skirts in a box near the back of the room.

The maid walks to a kind of big box and brings it to me, "which color do you want?" she asks, I look inside the box, confused on what she means. There was a basket for every color of the pastel rainbow plus a white basket. "Why does he have so many picnic baskets-", "Mr. UN likes to match things to his outfits, he even has multiple leashes and harnesses for Cloud for when they go on walks," "damn, that's some dedication, I guess I'll take the pink one since he's wearing a pink sweater", I take the basket and ask again, "does he have picnic blanket? Or multiple, different colored blankets?", "why yes actually", she puts the box back and grabs another one with a bunch of blankets and I again, choose the pink one, stuffing it into the basket.

I went back to the kitchen and put the food I pulled out into the basket, plus some big and small band aids so I could switch out the bandages so he could see the beautiful area when we got there. I take the basket and head back to the living room where UN is chilling on the couch while petting Cloud. "I'm ready", I say, "finally, you took forever", UN replies, standing up after making Cloud get up. "Clouds harnesses should be near the door along with his leashes", he says, I put a hand on his back and lead him to the front door. Beside the front door there was a rainbow of leashes and harnesses. I, of course, chose the pink harness and leash. As soon as I even touched the harness Cloud jumped up and ran straight to us, wiggling his tail enthusiastically. In fact, he was so happy it took me like 3 minutes to get the harness and leash on since he was wiggling so much.

Once I get them on, Cloud begins to jump at the door and scratching it, I open the door and he immediately tries to run out the door, almost dragging me out the door with him. I got control over him, and I put an arm around UN and led him out the door.

~5 minutes later~

As we came up to the forest, I had Cloud and UN turn onto the trail leading into the forest. We walk for a little bit before we get to the area near the special spot, and I turn once again right into the beautiful clearing. The clearing was a bit big and had a small waterfall leading into a calm stream flowing out of the clearing. Trees circled us and the only sound in the area was birds tweeting and the steam flowing.

"We're here", I say, "what are you talking about?" UN asks, "so I know you wanted to take Cloud on a walk, and we technically did, but I wanted to have a picnic as well so I brought some stuff along with us, and I took us to a nice clearing that would be perfect for a picnic", UN gently hits me and says playfully, "you little secret keeper, how do I know you did just kidnap me and Cloud and plan to kill, and burry us here in the forest", I laugh and hand UN Clouds leash so I can set up the picnic.

I spread out the blanket and had UN sit while I pulled out all the food. I had brought fruits and various ingredients for sandwiches along with some sweet treats for later, I didn't want to make UN eat something he didn't like. As I'm pulling out the food, Cloud comes up and starts sniffing the food. I gently pushed his head away, laughing a little bit, "don't worry Cloud, I brought you some food too", he backs away and sits, watching the food carefully. I then pull out the band aids, "hey UN", "hm?", "I'm going to replace your bandages with band aids so you can see the clearing", "alright, go ahead", I put the band aids on the ground and begin to slowly and gently remove the bandages from his face.

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