I just wanted my cuddles ;-;

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Me and UN sit on the couch after changing into more comfortable clothes. "Hey UN," "hm?" "I bought some nice wine for us, or, if you don't want wine, I got some champagne as well," "I'll take the wine, I'm not a huge fan of champagne," I get up from the couch and go to the kitchen to get some glasses and the bottle of wine.

I return to the couch and UN immediately snuggles back up to my side. "What's with all the affection?" I question with a small smile, "I'm cold and I want cuddles," I chuckle at him and pour our wine. I hand him his glass and begin to drink my own. UN takes slow, small sips of his drink, I take semi-big sips.

~Small Time Skip~

We've drunk 3 whole bottles of wine and I must say, we were a bit tipsy, or at least I was, I have a strong tolerance to alcohol but since UN never drinks, his tolerance was very low, so I was tipsy, but UN was hella drunk. UN was a giggling mess and was repeatedly giving me kisses, I was sober enough to be able to actually know what's going on and make sure we don't do anything stupid. Cloud was sitting next to us and watching his "dad" be an idiot, he somehow had a look of 'what the fuck is wrong with my owner' across his puppy face. "UN, can you let go of me so I can put away our glasses," I ask, slurring my words just a little bit, he whines and says, "but I want cuudddllleeesssss," "we can cuddle when I come back," "fiiiinnneeeeee," he lets go of me and I get up with the glasses and go to the kitchen to put them in the sink.

When I get back to the living room and see UN hugging and petting Cloud and calling him a good boy, "replaced me in the matter of minutes I see," I joke, "nooooo, I'm just shooowwwiiinnggg my puppy some looovvveeee," I snicker and sit back down on the couch. UN releases Cloud and crawls onto my lap to give me more kissing all over my face. "We haven't even been dating for a day and you're already so affectionate and you love kissing me over and over again," I laugh, "so? I wanna give yooouuu alllll the looovveee" he replies with a huge smile before kissing me again, on the lips this time. "I think it's time for bed UN," "nooooooooooo," "yes, it's almost midnight and we have work tomorrow," "fiiinneee, but you haavveee toooo carry meee," I roll my eyes and pick him up, he wraps his arms around my shoulders and his legs around my waist, "how are you so light?" I question, "I don't knooowwww, I just have to beeeee liiighttt because of my wiiinnnggggsss," he replies. He shoves his face into the crook of my neck and falls asleep instantly, I smile at the smaller man's soft breath in my neck, the only indication that he fell asleep.

I get into his bedroom and get under the covers, making sure UN is as comfortable as possible, and making sure we both are covered with the blanket. Cloud comes in the room and jumps up on the bed and snuggles next to me, I pat his head and give UN a small kiss on the nose before falling asleep myself.

~The Next Morning~


I wake up with a slight headache and when I try to get up I am stopped by 2 arms holding me tight by my waist. I could feel a chest pressed against my back. I turned to see EU cuddling me, I smiled and gently tried to remove his arms from my waist, I was successful and quickly got out of the bed before he could pull me back. Cloud jumps off the bed to accompany me by my side. I go downstairs and pull out the ingredients for scrambled eggs, French toast, and a small fruit salad for the side.

I begin cooking and by the time I get to making the fruit salad, EU comes downstairs and into the kitchen and I say with a smile, "Goodmorning, I'm almost done with breakfast," "wow, this looks amazing UN," "thank you," he sits down, and I place the salad next to our plates, "enjoy,". We start eating and EU just looks surprised as he eats, "taste good?" I ask through a smile, he nods and says, "every time you cook you always surprise me with how good everything you make tastes," I giggle and continue eating my food.

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