He Knows

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Today was another meeting, though it was only me and EU as the others were still in the hospital, but things were going pretty well so far, everyone hasn't been fighting as much as they do, which is a good sign, though the voice in my head keeps yelling at me about how much I don't matter... but for now I'm just ignoring it because I need to keep a calm demeanor for the meeting. "Well, that should be everything we needed to talk about for today, is there anything that I might have missed that anyone would like to talk about?" I question with a small smile while EU is fidgeting with his hands, Ukraine raises her hands and I say, "yes Ukraine?" "Can we talk about how Russia is STILL attacking me even though he said he was "trying to stop it"?" Ukraine said while glaring at Russia, Russia groaned and said, "God fucking damnit Ukraine, I already told you that I'm trying to reach Putin, but he is refusing to answer my calls and texts, and I've tried sending letters, but I don't know if they were delivered! And no, I can't get a fucking flight to Russia because Putin closed it off!" "Well, I don't believe that you're actually trying you fucking bitch," "I AM TRYING, I've been trying since as soon as the invasion happened! Just because my attempts are failing because my president is a bitch, doesn't mean you should send your little shit of a daughter to get her friends to jump my son when he's just trying to go for a walk!" "I don't know what you're talking about," "you know damn well what I'm talking about!" "Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop, what the fuck, Ukraine, did you actually have Kyiv and her friends attack Moscow because you're mad at Russia? Thats fucked up, you know the Capitals don't deal with the governments of their countries, I know you're mad about the war and you're mad at Russia because you think it was his Idea, but don't take it out on Moscow, all the capitals are kids, you know this, they don't handle government affairs," EU said while looking very concerned, "I agree, even if you think it's a way of revenge against the person you hate right now, its going to leave lasting damage on Moscow when he didn't do anything wrong other then be Russia's son," I say now questioning internally if Moscow was ok, "whatever, he's still a bitch to my daughter for no reason," Ukraine argued, "only because your daughter is an asshole to him," Russia responded with a glare.

As the 2 argued, I could see EU and America get increasingly agitated and fidgety. I don't know what they were fidgeting for, but I assumed that the arguing was agitating them. At some point there was a knock on the meeting room door, "uh, who could be at the door?" I question while walking over to the door, Russia and Ukraine stop fighting and look at the door with everyone else. I open the door and see a boy, about 6'7 in height with a red and silver flag. He was wearing a sleeveless black turtleneck with some jeans, a red jacket, black glasses, and a brown hat just like Russia's, "Moscow?" I question, "um, hello, I came to give my папа (dad, pronounced 'papa') his lunch, he forgot it at home..." Moscow said in a thick Russian accent, I nod and move out of the way for the boy, he goes over to his dad and hands him a black lunch box, "thank you Moscow, why don't you stay with me in my office for today? Our meeting is basically done, so you can just chill with me for the day, instead of being cooped up in the house all day with nothing to do," Russia says with a smile, Moscow nods and America says, "hello Moscow, it is good to see you again," "oh, hello Mr. America, um," I return to my spot next to EU and Moscow looks over at us, "shouldn't there be another 2 of you?" he questions, "yes, but NATO and ASEAN aren't available right now so they couldn't make it," I say, "ok," a 'meow' is heard from Russia's lunch box and Russia says, "what the fuck?" He opens it and a little calico cat's head pops out.

Moscow grabs the cat and holds it in his arms, "Honey, why did you sneak into папа's lunch box? Naughty girl..." the cat meows and crawls up onto Moscow's shoulder, sitting on his shoulder like a live cat scarf. Russia closes the lunch box and pets the cat, "Moscow, why don't you go to my office so we can wrap up this meeting, it's on the 5th floor and my door has my flag on it," Russia suggests to Moscow while side eyeing Ukraine, "ok папа," Moscow walks out the room and shuts the door behind him.

"Alright, I guess that means our meeting is concluded, everyone is free to go," all the countries stand up and file out of the room, but one country stayed, America, "is there something you need America?" EU questions, "um, yes, can I talk to you two in private?" "Um, sure, why don't we head to your office?" I say while walking over to America with EU right behind me. America leads us to his office and has us sit down in front of his desk, he sits behind it and has a concerned look on his face, "so, what did you want to talk to us about?" I question, "I know," America says with a serious tone, "know what?" EU asks, "I know about League of Nations, I heard you in the park," EU and I stare in shock at America, "I-I don't know what y-you're talking about America..." I stutter out, "I know everything UN, don't lie to me, I raised you for 18 years and supervised and trained you on what to do for 2, I know when you're lying, I. KNOW. And so I need to tell you something about LON," "how could you help? He's a ghost..." "I know something nobody knows about you and LON," "what do UN and LON have in common that's the solution?" EU asks, "it's a bit complicated, it's not biologically, I think, but it is legally, but again, I don't really know," "well what is this big "secret" that you're not so sure is true?" "Well, UN and LON are..."


HAHAHA- FUCK YOU- (JK I love y'all 😇 not like that though-) 

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