Can you not throw my boyfriend off a building?

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EU pulled up to a bakery and practically dragged me inside. "This is my favorite bakery to go to when I'm craving something sweet," EU says, we walk up to the counter and the lady behind it greets us with a massive smile, "hello, welcome to Lily's bakery, what would you like to get today?" I look down at the options in the glass display while EU orders some cookies filled with marshmallow fluff. I decided on a vanilla cupcake with rainbow frosting and white edible pearls. "And what would you like ma'am?" The lady asks, 'do I really look like a girl?' I question internally before telling her my order. EU and I sat at a little table in the outdoor setting area and talked for a bit while waiting for our food.

After a few minutes of sitting and talking, our food came and before we started eating, EU said, "Why does my cookie smell like cinnamon?" "Is it not supposed to smell like cinnamon?" I question, "no, it's supposed to smell like chocolate and marshmallows," "don't eat it, I'm sure they probably just accidentally put cinnamon on it, but it could be poisoned," "how do you know that?" "I remember FBI saying that poison is masked by the smell of cinnamon so if something that shouldn't smell like cinnamon smells like cinnamon, don't eat it," EU puts his cookie off to the side and looks disappointed at the loss of it. I sniff my cupcake to find that it smells only like frosting and cake. I split it in half and hand him one of the halves, he smiles at me and begins to eat the cupcake.

"EU?" "Yes?" "don't look but I think the guy in the black hoodie behind you is stalking us," "what makes you think that?" "I swear that I've seen him at the motorcycle store and while we were being yelled at by the old man," EU's eyebrows knit together and he pops the last of the cupcake in his mouth, I do the same and we get up to go home.

We get to his motorcycle and FBI, in his human form, comes up to us, "hey UN, what are you doing here?" EU pipes up and says, "how do you know it's UN??And who are you??" "FBI, who the fuck are you?" "EU," "oh," "FBI why are you here?" I question, "I saw this little bakery and decided to check it out," I nod and FBI pipes up again, "oh EU, I need to talk to you about something, can you meet me on the UN building roof tomorrow," "um sure? Weird meeting place though" "I know but all the meeting rooms are taken tomorrow," EU nods and I look at EU, "can we go home now, I'm tired and want to take a nap," EU nods and hands me my helmet before putting on his own helmet on and getting on the motorcycle. I sit behind him and he drives away from FBI. I look back for just a second to see him glaring at us with the coldest glare I've ever seen, I turn back around and bury my face into EU's back.

Once we got home, I pulled EU close to me and had him pick me up, "I don't trust FBI, he was glaring at us as we drove away," "hm, do you not want me to go to the meeting?" "No, I don't think he has good intentions," "how about you hide by the wall and spy just to see if he does anything, ok?" I think about it for a bit before saying, "ok... But if anything happens, I'm going to say 'I told you so'," "alright my love," he kisses my forehead and takes me to bed. We get all cuddled up with Cloud at our heels, EU laid on his back and placed me on top of his chest. "Did you notice that FBI had the same hoodie on as the guy who I thought was following us?" I questioned EU, "yeah, but it was probably just a coincidence though, a lot of people own black hoodies, he's probably going through an emo phase," I giggled a bit and snuggled into his chest.

He turns on his side and I wrap my legs around his waist. I yawn and get even closer to EU and shut my eyes. I drift to sleep after cuddling as close as I can to EU's chest.


'Oh my god he's so cute' I thought, I stared down at the sleeping bird below me and questioned myself on how I was so lucky to have him as a boyfriend. I moved his legs to where I could slip his skirt off and throw it to the floor. He moves his legs back to their previous position and I kiss his head before resting my head on his and falling asleep myself.

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