Broken Backs are the worst

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I stare down at UN's unconscious body, blood pooling under his body. A chandelier on top of him, making his wings bend at an odd angle right in the middle. The room was quiet as everyone looked at UN. I finally found my voice and yelled, "someone help me get the chandelier off him!" I crunch down and try to get the heavy, glassless chandelier off UN's back, FBI reaching down to help me. We throw the chandelier to the side and NATO pulls out his phone and rushes out of the room to, I assume to call WHO.

I get closer to UN's face and listen closely for a breath, "oh thank god he's still breathing," I say, sighing in relief, I hear multiple sighs of relief from around the room. America pipes up, "did... Did anyone else see a flash of blue light before the chandelier fell?" I stand up and nod, many others nodding with me. I looked around the room, scanning everyone's faces, they all had expressions of worry on them, except for one. North Korea was starring where UN used to be standing, his pupils were so dilated you could barely see them. His snow white wings were tucked tight behind him, his little tiger ears flat against his head. "North Korea?" I question, "are you ok?" he doesn't respond, but his older brothers, Japan and South Korea, notice how he was acting as well. Japan places a hand on the smallest of the three head, concern all over his face, "North? What's wrong? What do you see?" he questions. North Korea starts whining and shaking, his eyes moving as if whatever he's seeing is moving across the room. "Did he take his medication today?" South Korea asks Japan, Japan nods and tries to get NK to stop staring at the door.

I hear NATO yell in pain from the front entrance and America immediately stands up and runs out the door to go check on him. FBI and ASEAN follow America but I stay so I can keep a watch on UN. NK turns and hugs Japan tight, Japan gently pets him and tries to calm him down, South Korea rubbing circles into his back.

I hear a siren in the distance and I tell everyone to get out of the room so the paramedics can easily get to UN. Everyone exits the room and I move some of the chairs so there is a clear path for the paramedics to get through. I hear yelling and heavy footsteps coming closer to the room. WHO burst through the door and I wave him over to where UN lay, he rushes in with 1 other nurse or doctor with a stretcher in tow. They got to me and UN and WHO rushed to gently but quickly get UN on the stretcher and out the door to the ambulance, I followed closely behind, passing many countries with worried expressions. WHO let me ride in the ambulance with them and I got a good look at UN's face. There was a huge gash in his forehead and blood soaked his hair and dripped down his face.

WHO has me stand off to the side near the back doors and out of the way so he and the other doctor or nurse get to work on removing as much glass as they can from UN's back.

~They get to the hospital~

I pace back and forth in front of the hospital room door, waiting, waiting, waiting for WHO to come out and tell me my bird-like lover was ok. ASEAN and FBI show up and ASEAN places a hand on my shoulder, "hey, calm down, I'm sure he'll be ok," I look at him, even he didn't look sure about what he said, "why don't you sit down," he says, guiding me to one of the chairs by the door, I sit and place my head in my hands, 'I was supposed to protect him, fuck, oh god what if UN has permanent damage or something?' I hear FBI tapping his foot on the ground and ASEAN is rubbing my back.

~Time Skip~

WHO and 2 other nurses come out of the room and the nurses walk away, WHO has me stand up and glares at me, "what did I fucking say?" he questioned me, clearly pissed, "you said to protect UN from harm, I didn't know the chandelier was going to fall on him though! It fell too fast! I couldn't do anything!" his eyes widen and he questions, "you're telling me a chandelier is what broke his fucking back and wings!?" FBI pipes up, "yeah, UN was super fucking pissed today and accidently caused all the chandeliers to fall," WHO has a look of 'WTF' on his face. "Um, why does EU need to protect UN?" ASEAN asks, "it's something personal, you don't need to know," WHO replies coldly, "is he being stalked by someone who wants to kill him or something? If so then I can handle it," FBI says, "I said, you. Don't. Need. to. Know." WHO glares daggers at FBI.

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