UN gets a cat

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EU and I stood outside of America's office, still in shock from what he told us. "I'm... I'm going to go on a walk... I need fresh air..." I semi-mumble, "would you like for me to come with you?" EU asks, "no... I... I need to be alone right now..." "alright love, why don't we go out to a nice restaurant for dinner tonight?" I smile at him and say, "sure EU, that sounds nice," "alright sweetheart, I'll see you later," EU kisses my cheek and walks off to his office. I head outside and begin to just quietly walk down the street, looking at store windows and occasionally stopping to look at sweets or clothes in some shop windows.

As I walk, I walk by an alleyway and hear a little "meow". I glance in the alleyway and a snow-white cat is sitting in a box and looking at me expectantly, "oh! Hello there, aren't you cute," I kneel down and begin to gently pet the adorable cat and notice that its box says, "please give me a new home,". The cat jumps into my lap and snuggles into me, "awww, your last owner must have abandoned you, didn't they? You poor thing..." I think about something for a bit and decide to take the cat with me, "you're mine now, let's get you to a vet just to make sure I can have you!"

I walk over to a nice vet clinic with the cat and walk to the front desk, "hello, how can I help you today?" the man at the front desk says, "I found this cat in an alleyway and I want to make sure it's healthy and to see if I can keep it," I say with a smile, "oh, yes, of course, I'll put you on the list and a veterinarian will see you and the cat shortly," "great," I sit in the waiting room where multiple adorable dogs and puppies were waiting for a vet as well, there was a German shepherd, a husky, and aww, there was a lady with 2 Samoyeds, "aww, I love your dogs, I have a Samoyed as well," I say to the lady, "oh these aren't mine, I found these darlings wandering around outside, they must've escaped from their house, but I'm hopeful they have chips in them so I can return them to their owners," the lady explained, "oh poor things, that's the same reason I'm here, I found this little cat sitting in a box so I'm going to try and adopt it," the 2 dogs rush up to me and begin to lick at my face happily, "hah- these two are so cute," I and the lady giggle at the dogs but I notice something, one of the dogs had black collar with a nametag that looked just like NATO's symbol, the exact same collar and nametag Bear has, and the other dog had a pastel blue collar with my flags symbol on it, Cloud, "oh! Oh my god!" I say in shock, "what is it?" the lady asks, "these are my dogs!" "They are? I found them on the street and couldn't see a collar, how do you know?" "right here, their fluff hides it but this one is Bear, my brothers dog who I'm pet sitting right now, and this one is Cloud, my dog," I hold up the nametags of the dogs and show them to the lady, "oh wow, well I found them on the street, your front door must have been opened and let these 2 out," "that makes me worry now... what if someone broke into my house? After this I need to go home..." "Yes, I'm going to leave now, I hope your house didn't get broken into and it's just that your dog's became smart enough to open doors," the lady gets up and walks out of the vet clinic, leaving me alone with my dogs and a cat.

~Time Skip mother fu-~

I get home with my new cat, who is apparently a girl, and my 2 dogs to find my front door open but no signs of the doors being forced open. I quickly went inside with my animals and looked around the house to find that nothing had been taken, but clearly someone had to open the door to let the dogs out. I set the cat down and quickly change into some more comfortable clothes, but when I glanced in the mirror of my bathroom I saw LON for a split second before he disappeared, I jumped a bit and quickly left the room to back downstairs, "alright puppies, I'm going to go out and get the new cat some toys and everything else she needs, be nice to her and she has to be nice to you, and don't escape the house again, you almost gave me a heart attack when I saw your collars so be good, ok?" The dogs huffed and trotted off to their beds and began to chew on their bones and squeaky toys.

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