NATO is weird, a murderer, and an asshole

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I stood there in shock, there was no way this was real, I had to be dreaming, there was no way LON was standing right in my mirror. He just stared at me, not saying nor doing anything, just standing there. I wanted to scream for EU, but my voice wouldn't work.

He began to reach up and placed his hand on his side of the mirror. His hand glowed, it glowed with dark blue light, the same blue as on his flag. He pushed his hand through the mirror and touched me on my face. I couldn't move, the amount of fear within my body right now was catastrophic, I wanted to cry and beg him to leave me alone.

He cupped my cheek and gently rubbed it, it was somehow calming, but felt wrong, so wrong, I didn't know why, it just did. I couldn't help it though, I relaxed into his hand, he was still rubbing my cheek in a gentle way.

After a little while he moved his hand down my face, and gripped my neck, tightly but not tight enough to choke me. He yanked my face towards the mirror, slamming it into the glass, shattering the mirror right on my face. I cried in pain and fell to the floor clutching my glass covered face, eyes shut tight as to not let glass get into my eyes. I could hear people running into my bedroom and into my bathroom, half a dozen maids rushed around me and were yelling about getting EU and a med kit.


I was in the middle of changing when a maid burst into my room and yelled, "MR. EU, YOU NEED TO COME QUICK! MR. UN IS HURT!" I threw my shirt aside and followed the maid into UN's bathroom. UN was on the floor covering his eyes with glass everywhere, the mirror was shattered, and blood splattered all over the sink. "UN WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!?" I yelled as I crouched down beside him, he began to mumble what sounded like gibberish, but I could make out a few words, something about LON and him being inside his mirror smashing UN's face into the mirror.

I yell for a maid to get me a med kit and they grab one from under the sink and hand it to me. I put on rubber gloves and use my fingers to remove larger pieces of glass and use tweezers to remove the smaller pieces, luckily none got in his eyes. I wrap the top half of his face in gaze, and he immediately clings to me by my shoulders, since I had no shirt for him to grab onto. He was crying, so I gently rubbed circles into his back and stroked his hair trying my best to calm him down.

I dismissed all the maids that still surrounded us and just sat there, holding a now semi-calm UN. A giant, white, fluffy bundle came running into the room and started sniffing and licking UN's face. UN giggled and said, "h-hey buddy, stop that! It t-tickles!" I snickered as UN was attacked by licks from the ball of joy who wants to make him happy. Cloud then stopped, backed up, looked at UN sitting in my lap, then ran and jumped right between us, throwing UN off me, "you little shit", I say to the dog, he just turns his back and sits in UN's lap.

"Cloud, I need to go to bed-", the fluffy boy huffs, gets off UN, and trots into the bedroom. I stand up and help UN to his feet, he then asks, "um... EU... can you, um, stay with me tonight... I don't feel safe being alone right now...", I could feel my face heat up at the idea of sleeping in the say bed as UN, "s-sure", I reply. I lead UN into his bedroom and Cloud is already asleep at the edge of the bed, "how does he do that-?", "do what?", "fall asleep in like 2 seconds", "oh he's just like that, he can just fall asleep whenever, wherever he wants", I processed that for a little bit, and just decided to forget it.

I pick up UN and walk to his bed, placing him down gently. I go to the other side of the bed and get under the sheets, right next to UN. I look at UN and I see that he was kind of blushing, and he says "EU, can we, um, cuddle?" my face heated up so much, if he was able to see he would be able to see that I looked like a lemon. "S-sure", I stutter as I pull him closer to me and hold him by the waist. He nestled into my chest and placed his uninjured leg under my lower half.

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