Stars and Cars

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I wake up with a splitting headache, I groan in pain and force myself into a sitting position, putting a hand on my forehead. My forehead was wet, I pull my hand down to see blood spattered across my hand, "fuck," I mumble, "UN is going to have a meltdown if he sees this..." I feel something lick my face over and over again, it was Cloud, "oh hi buddy," I say while petting the dog with my clean hand. "Mr. EU, are you ok?" I hear someone say from the doorway, I glance in the direction of the voice to see 2 female maids standing in the doorway, "yeah, I'm fine, just bleeding a bit," I stand up, stumbling a bit before regaining my balance, and walk out of the pantry after the maids moved out of the way. "How long was I out?" I question the girls, "um, maybe 10 minutes? 7 minutes? We just know that 3 minutes ago Cloud came running for us barking like mad and trying to drag us by our sleeves and pushing us," I looked down at the fluffy dog next to me, he looked at me, I pet the boy, sort of touched that he actually cared. "I should go bandage myself up," I say to the maid, they nod and walk away.

I head to the bathroom and grab the first aid kit from behind the mirror. I stared at the huge gash on my forehead, it dripped blood and there was a little bit of blood on my cheek, probably from it pooling by my face while I was passed out. I clean up the blood on my face and scar and wrap bandages around my head. I check on UN to see that he's still sleeping, but without his fur baby to cuddle with.

I head back downstairs and sit on the couch to watch TV, Cloud sitting on my lap to watch as well. I think about how I'm going to explain the bandages to UN. I remember how my stars on my halo could make me float and apparently stab people. I wish they could do crazy healing stuff too, that would be so useful. I imagine my halo tightening over my head and just making the bandages and scar disappear, so I don't have to worry UN about what happened while he's still hurt. Something tight presses against my head getting tighter and tighter, hurting my head even more. I clutch my head and feel stars against my head. After a minute or so, the stars rise off my head and go back to their position above my head, I touch my forehead to find no bandages and not cut of blood, 'how the actual fuck-!?' I think to myself, 'why and how are my stars doing this shit, how come they're doing this now and what else can they do?' I was so confused on my stupid stars, they were always an annoyance, sometimes I would accidently hurt people with them, they would stick into people while I sitting and then people would start to avoid being too close to me while I'm sitting down, thankfully UN wasn't one of them, though my stars would never hurt him, maybe it was because I love him so much, these stupid stars seems to react based off emotions.

Cloud sat up and ran off upstairs towards UN's room. After only a minute he comes back to me with a really sad look on his face, "the door is closed, isn't it?" I say, he huffs and makes a weird nodding gesture. I roll my eyes and get up to follow the dog to UN's room and open the door for him to go in. I looked at the sleeping winged man on the bed, he kind of looked like a dead body in a casket, only because he was laying as straight as possible and was barely moving at all, normally he would wiggle around in his sleep trying to get comfortable. Cloud sits next to UN and I go over to kiss him on the head and Cloud licks his cheek before laying his head across UN's chest. I head back to the living room and go back to watching TV.

~Time Skip~

Cloud comes up to me and he starts nipping at my pants and trying to pull me somewhere. I get up and follow the cloud like dog, he led me to UN's room, and I see that UN was awake, "good afternoon sleepy head," "hi, can you pick me up please, I want to go downstairs," I playfully roll my eyes and pick my lover bridal style, being as careful as I could with his back and wings. I take him downstairs with Cloud behind me. I put UN on the couch and sat next to him, wrapping my arm around his waist. 'Should I tell him about what my stars can do?' I question in my head, 'nah, he'll probably freak out about LON,' I kiss his cheek and pull him closer to me.

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