1 dog, 6 maids, and 2 kind of horny organizations

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We, UN and I, drove in silence for most of the car ride. He spent the time fidgeting with his tail and looking out the window, I spent the time trying to not kill us while driving. The silence was so uncomfortable, I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't know what to say. I don't even know what he was upset about! WHO's joke? NATO saying I was trying to give him hickies? His scar? Is he mad at me? If so, what did I do to upset him?

After a while UN finally said, "I'm.. sorry for, um, not telling you about my scar.." he doesn't look at me, but he looks out the window looking so sad, like he thinks he did something wrong. "UN, my love, you don't have to be sorry for something you don't want to share, also why even apologize for not showing? To be honest I probably would have never known about it without NATO telling you to show it," I say, trying to comfort him, even though I was lying to his face. I pull up to UN's house and we both get out and go inside. We both go upstairs to his room and see that Cloud is just sleeping on the bed in his usual spot, UN pets him and we both sit down on the bed and cuddle.

I kiss him and pull him as close as I can to me and hold him tight to keep him from escaping. "What are you doing?" he questions after I pull away from kissing him, "kissing you," "why are you holding onto me so tight then? And slipping your hand up my shirt," he's got me there, I was putting my hand up his shirt and gently rubbing his back, "because I want to, and your skin is warm and soft," he rolls his eyes and I kiss him again, getting on top of him and pinning him to the bed, "what are you doing??" he questions while blushing like mad, "nothing," I smirk and kiss him again, only stopping to take a breath every once in a while.

After some time of us kissing, I take a break to take a breath and UN asks, "are we making out right now?" I chuckle a bit and say, "yes, yes we are, though I'm not using tongue, which is what people normally do while making out, but it's fine, I was just trying to make you feel comfortable with was I was doing," he blushes even harder and says, "we can, um.. Use tongue, whatever that means, if you, uh, want," "really?" "Yeah, you sound like, um, you want to do it and I don't really know what it is so I kind of want to try it," I stare at him, I smile, I kiss him and slip my tongue into his mouth. He made a little surprised noise but completely melted into the kiss after his state of shock washed away.

Hope's POV

I was walking through the halls of what me and the other maids like to call the UN manor, when I heard a scratching noise and UN's bedroom door. There were 2 options on what was scratching at the door, either it was Cloud, or a strey animal got into his room and it's trying to escape to wreak havoc on the manor. I crack the door open just a bit and peak inside to see what was trying get out of the room, though instead of seeing an animal in the room, I saw UN and EU having a fucking full blown make out session on UN's bed. I look down and see Cloud poking his snout through the crack of the door, I assume he wants to escape from UN and EU making out. I open the door wide enough for Cloud to slip out and shut the door as quietly as I can once he has exited the room.

I picked up the dog and took him downstairs to the living room, put him in his dog bed, and I sat there, just petting him and squishing his adorable face. "Hope, what the actual fuck are you doing?" I look behind me to see Heather looking at me with a 'what the fuck' face, "I'm petting the baby," "get back to work you dumb shit, if UN or EU see's you not working and just playing with the dog you'll probably get reprimanded," "that's funny because right now UN and EU are making out in their room right now, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say they are going to have sex, though UN is probably to innocent, or dumb, to know what sex is so EU probably wouldn't fuck him until he knows what he's getting into," "there's no way in hell those two are making out right now," "go look for yourself, but be quiet, we wouldn't want to disturb our boss would we?" Heather quickly walks upstairs, and I go back to petting the little baby boy.

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