Let's chop off NATO's arm because why not

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(TW: mentions of suicide and suicidal thoughts)


"Well, um, the thing is..." I mumble, "what are you doing??" EU whispered to me, "I want to tell them, I feel bad for not telling them," I whisper back, "we're going to end up in a mental asylum," "you don't know, maybe they'll believe me," "fine, but if we end up in straitjackets in a pure white room for until we're dissolved, I'm totally blaming you," "fine, but if they do believe me, you owe me something," "fine," "fine," "are you guys done whispering and going to tell us what's going on??" BRICS questioned, I take a deep breath before going into a 10-minute-long explanation of what the cause of all my problems of was the last 4 or so months. Though even though I thought I was just explaining it to four people, little did I know, 2 more people heard me as well, 1 is foe, the other friend, but why would I know that? I didn't even know they were there.

Once I was done, everyone, except EU, looked at me like I was insane. "Are you on drugs?" BRICS asked, AU hit him and said, "bitch, in all honesty, UN is probably the only one here who would never do drugs, also having hallucinations isn't an only a drug thing, it's called schizophrenia," "I'm not schizophrenic, also I'm not lying, it's all true! Ask EU, he's seen LON too!" I argue, "wait, wait, wait, wait, isn't LON that failed organization from the 20s or something?" NATO asked, "yeah, he was basically the original me, but he failed his job when World War 2 happened so he was dissolved," I explain, "meh, sounds pretty legit to me, if we exist, then ghost could exist as well," ASEAN shrugs while pulling out a screwdriver from his pocket to help NATO with his drones, "that is the exact same reason I believed WHO when he first told me about LON," EU said while pulling me closer to him. "I'm still having a hard time believing this, it just seems to farfetched for this LON person to exist," AU says, "same, to me it just kind of sounds like you're having a lot of bad luck and you're just having nightmares of someone and using it as a way of trying to understand why you keep getting hurt in so many ways," BRICS says, "can we talk about this later? I want to play with my drones. UN, I believe you but I'm getting really impatient right now and I just want to have this conversation later when we're not at the park and about to fly brand new drones," NATO complained, "impatient ass bitch," ASEAN mumbled while putting batteries into all the controllers for the drones, in return NATO smacked his head.

~15 minutes later~

NATO was currently running from one of the biggest drones he got as EU chased him with it. He was running back and forth while yelling a string of curse words directed towards EU while the rest of us died of laughter from NATO's attempts at escaping the drone. "EU STOP IT!" NATO yelled when he got closer to us, "nah, this is more fun," EU replied, NATO would've yelled something back if he hadn't fallen into a black hole, not the space kind though, a legitimate black hole on the ground. He screamed as he fell, but as he fell deeper and deeper, his voice died out. "What. The. Fuck." BRICS said while slowly getting up, 'no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, PLEASE DON'T TELL ME IT'S-' another black hole appeared under BRICS and engulfed him, then a black hole took AU, then ASEAN, then EU, leaving me all alone in the empty park. But I wasn't alone for long, after a bit another black hole appeared and swallowed me whole.

I landed hard on my side, but not hard enough to break my arm. I groan in pain and clutch my throbbing arm, my vision blurring from pain. I force myself into a sitting position and attempt to adjust my eyes to the darkness. "w3lL, W3Ll, \/\/eLl, tH3 wH()l3 g@nG ()f f@k3, u$eL3$s oRg@/\/1zAt!()n$ 1$ h3rE," I looked around trying to find the source of the voice and noticed my friends were sitting around me in some sort of pain, either in the leg, or back, or arm, all of them were clutching a part of them that was hurt. NATO though, he had a special case, his arm was bent at an odd angle, broken, LON broke my baby brother's arm. "\/\/h@t'$ tH!s 1 s3e? L1tTl3 1tTy b1TtY N@t() h@$ @ bR()k3n @r/\/\, /\/o\/\/ 1t'$ @s u$3l3s$ a$ y()Ur Br()tH3r, /\/\1gHt a$ w3lL g3T r1D 0F 1t," LON chuckled while blue light grabbed NATO and dragged him up into the air. ASEAN tried to grab NATOs leg and drag him back down but ended up just ripping his pant leg off.

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