Mirrors and Potions

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I curled up on the ground crying in pain, my leg had almost been torn off and it hurt so much. I heard the Karen yelp in pain and scream curses about Cloud, he must have bit her. EU and Cloud came to my side, EU gently lifting me up to a sitting position, I buried my face into the crook of his neck and bawled my eyes out. "Shh, Shh, WHO is getting help, don't worry, it's going to be ok, it's ok I'm here, shh", he whispered into my ear, his voice was soft and gentle. I heard yelling come closer and closer; I assumed it was WHO with some nurses in tow.

EU lifted me up and placed me on the stretcher and the nurses and WHO rushed me away. I looked down at my leg and everything went black.


I rushed after WHO with Cloud running after me, the Karen was still yelling at us with her daughter bawling her eyes out next to her begging her mom to just go home, 'poor kid' I thought, her home life must've been terrible. 'How the fuck did that driver not even see UN!? That dude must have been drunk or high because the speed limit was 25 and he was going at least 50', WHO signaled for me to stay in the lobby, and I had to grab Cloud by the collar to keep him from following them.

I sat in one of the seats, Cloud at my feet, and went deep into thought. I was so worried about UN, I've never seen him cry like that before, it broke my heart to hear is sobs. I pulled out my phone and texted in the organization group chat UN made.

EU is online!

EU- OI, if yall asleep, wake up, it's important

ASEAN is online.

NATO is online.

ASEAN- What is it EU, I'm busy.

NATO- Ya wtf do you want I'm at the range with FBI right now.

EU- UN was hit by a fucking car you dumbasses.


NATO- how tf did he get hit by a car.

EU- some bitch ass karen tried to take Cloud and me, UN, and WHO ran after her and UN was a bit behind, and a car was speeding down the road and almost hit UN and ended up hitting his leg.

NATO- UN ain't that short, how tf did he not see him?

EU- I don't know, the driver was probably drunk or high.

ASEAN- is UN ok?

EU- I don't know, hopefully, it was just his leg, but it looked like it was barely hanging on.

NATO- ew-

ASEAN- shut up NATO.

EU- Cloud is sitting with me in the lobby right now.

NATO- i thought he hated u.

ASEAN- *you

NATO- bitch stfu

ASEAN- *shut the fuck up.

NATO- I hate you >:(

EU- cloud does hate me but right now we have one thing in common, being worried for UN.

NATO- your a simp

ASEAN- *you're

NATO- shut up.

EU- God you guys' act like an old married couple

NATO- I'd rather die than date him.

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