Part 7

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"Aonung and Raeya have been friends ever since I can remember.

Some would say that they were inseparable, or something like that.
I mean, they were practically born together and raised together.

But all of that changed, when the accident happened."

"What accident?" Lo'ak questioned.

"Well you know Raeyas father and how he ise a warrior? Well her mother was not like that. She didn't believe in war and fighting.

She wanted peace. And not just for herself, but for all the people around her, including her daughter.

One day, her mother had heard about a young Tulkun that was planing on starting a war with the sky people.
The other Tulkun had warned her about this, and told her there was nothing she could do about it.

But she was determined to stop it.

She went out, without any weapons or anything to protect herself. And when she made it to the place, where the attack was suppose to take place, there weren't any sky people there.

It was just her and a bunch of Na'vi from the neighboring clans. And that Tulkun.

I don't know exactly how all of it went down, but from the storys that have been told, that Tulkun went roge, and started to kill others.

There were other Tulkun who went there to stop him, but they couldn't.

No one made it out of there alive, besides that young Tulkun. Not even Raeyas mother."

"I thought that Tulkun weren't killers?" Neteyam asked, bewildered.

"They aren't, Tulkun have laws against killing. They despise war.

That's why they cast that young Tulkun out. And no one has seen him ever since.

Raeyas father didn't take the news of her mothers passing well. He hunted that Tulkun for weeks.

But when he couldn't catch him, he made himself a promise.

He would never let his daughter end up like her mother. So he started training her, so she would always be able to protect herself.

And you might be wondering what all this has to do with my brother.

Well, Raeyas father didn't stop there.
He went to speak with his old friend, my father. And he proposed an agreement.

When his son, Aonung, and Raeya turn 18 they will be married and when Aonung becomes the next olo'eyktan, Raeya will be his wife and the new tsahìk. This would ensure that she would always be protected and safe.

But that agreement ruined their friendship. They don't love each other like that, so they have been trying to get out of that for years.

But our parents never listen. To them it's the perfect agreement.

Aonung will get a wife from a good and respectable family, and Raeya will be protected from all bad things by her people.

They did actually try to make our parents happy, by getting in a relationship a few years ago, but it didn't work out. It actually made things between them more complicated.

You have to understand that Aonung and Raeya will always have somethings between them. They were best friends before all of this.

They both care for each other, they always will. But they will also never stop fighting to get out of that agreement that their parents made all this time ago."

Tsireya looked between the trees at Raeya and Aonung, who were still riding their Ilus. She knew that Neteyam had started to like Raeya, it was obvious, but she also knew that because of that agreement, they would never be able to be together.

"I'm sorry, but you can't tell anyone that I told you all of this," she pleaded," they would kill me if they found out."

Neteyam was now in deep though. The girl that he had a crush on, was promised to another.

What was he going to do? Intervene?

"I won't tell, I promise," Lo'ak looked at Tsireya who gave him a soft smile.

They both turned their heads towards Neteyam, who's face was blank.


"And then he just flew off, like a leaf in the wind hahah!" Aonung sat on his Ilu and told Raeya about how he and Tsireya tried to teach Lo'ak to ride an Ilu.

"You saw that, right? I mean you weren't that far away from us," he continued and looked at Raeya, who was starting down at the water and listening," you were with Neteyam." He said slowly.

Raeya looked up at him and let out a small chuckle, "You know, he wasn't that good at Ilu riding either."

She laughed and looked at him, but he just stared past her. She turned and looked where he was looking.

Neteyam was sitting on the sand with his sister Tuk and Lo'ak. They were building something out of sand. Lo'aks eyes however were pointed in Tsireyas direction.

"You know, I never really apologized for that night," Aonung began

"Aonung, it's okey, you don't need to apologize---,"

"No, I acted like a total ass, and I need to say I'm sorry," he held eye contact the entire time he was speaking," and also thank you for keeping me from making an even bigger ass of myself."

Raeya smiled to herself, she knew that Aonung apologizing for his behavior was not something he did lightly.

"Actually, I was going to say that you shouldn't apologize to me," she turned her gaze back to Neteyam who was now talking to Lo'ak about something.

"You called them forest freaks," she said in a imitative matter.

"He called us 'wierd water hybrid freaks' it's not all on me," he tried to defend himself, but ultimately he knew where this was going.

Raeya just gave him a dissatisfied look and shook her head.

"You know, I might have been drinking a lot that night, and I don't remember a lot, but I did notice you two talking that night," he looked at Raeya with a cheesy smile.

"Bff, so what, we just talked," she didn't look him in the eyes.

"Hahha, you are so screwed," he laughed, to him it was obvious, he had know Raeya since they were children," but for the record, I think he likes you two."

Aonungs words caught Raeya off guard.
He likes me? She thought.

"I don't know what you are talking about," She tried to stear the conversation somewhere else, but Aonung wouldn't give up.

"Raeya," he said and gave her time to look at him," he seems like a nice guy, but you know why this can't happen." There was sympathy in his voice.

She looked at him and just sighed. She knew. No matter how much she liked him, they could never be together.

Aonung noticed her expression and felt bad.

"On a different note, my father told me the other day that he is considering starting my training," Raeya kept looking at him, she knew that this could only mean one thing.

"And when he finally starts my training to be the next olo'eyktan..," he began

"I will start training to become the next tsahìk," she finished.

They both looked at each other with knowing look. Their time was running up. They either had to get out of that agreement now, or will forever be apart of it.

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