version two, part 1

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"Go!" Neteyam shouted at Raeya, but the girl stayed put.

"No, not with out you!"

"Raeya, we don't have time for this!" He fired another shot.

"Neteyam I'm not leaving you. Not again!"

"I'll follow you right after. I promise!"

Raeya wasn't buying it. She took Neteyam by his arm, yanked him to her, and looked deep into his eyes.
"We are in this together. I am not leaving without you." She said.

She made it really clear to him that she was willing to go down with him, and no matter what, she would stay. Realizing that put a small smile on his face.

But that smile faded fast, because he knew that her stubbornness will get her, or them both hurt.

He shook his head at Raeya and looked back at the guards.

They were still hiding behind storage containers to not get shot. But when they realized that they were not being fired at, they took their chances and charged forward.

Raeya saw the guards running towards them from the corner of her eye and yelled out, "Watch out!" She pulled Neteyam back and they ran off towards the inner ship.

Gun shots were fired after them.

When they ran past a hall, Raeya found one of her arrows stuck in the chest of an avatar. She had to risk taking it, because it was the only arrow she had left.

"Neteyam, cover me," the boy looked at her and nodded. He aimed his gun to the guards and fired a few warning shots.

This gave Raeya the necessary time to run to that dead avatar and pull the arrow out from his chest. She was about to run back to him, but someone fired at her and cut her off from Neteyam.

Raeya didn't have a choice but to run the other way. She ran to a hallway in the ship, looking for a place to hide and for  something to use, to get to Neteyam.

She looked around her but only saw an axe in a glass case. She heard footsteps coming from the end of the hallway and panicked. Looking above her, she noticed a space between the ceiling and a some pipes.

She took her chances and jumped up there. It was tight, but as far as she knew, no one could see her from there.

That same guy from before, Quaritch, walked right under her and talked with one of his soldiers.

"Find the human boy and Sully's children, and I want that green one as well. That bitch killed seven of my men!" he ordered.

The guard and Quaritch walked out of the hallway, Raeya went unnoticed.


Neteyam was hiding behind a wall, he was surrounded by soldiers who all had guns, and his weapon was running out of ammo.

He was running out of options. He threw the gun on the floor and took out his knife instead. Neteyam knew that it was a bad idea, but he was willing to take the chances.

The soldiers were quietly walking closer and closer to where Neteyam was hiding. They were almost behind the wall when Neteyam heard one of them yell.

He took that as his que to jump out and attack, when he came out, he saw a spear sticking out from one of the soldiers chest and the other two were busy trying to find who threw that spear.

Without a second thought, Neteyam charged to them and started to fight. As good as a fighter he was, he wasn't good enough. The situation quickly became too much for him to handle.

Lucky, he didn't have to handle it alone. Aonung came running in from the front of the ship, and jumped right in to help Neteyam.

Together they fought off the two remaining soldiers.

"Where is Raeya?" Aonung asked and looked around himself.

Neteyam looked to the direction where she had run off to earlier and started to run there without a word. Aonung followed him.

They made it to the hallway where they noticed Raeya trying to lift a huge axe from a wall.

"Raeya, what are you doing?!" Neteyam yelled and went to her.

"We are running out of weapons! Don't just stand there! Help me!"

They helped her get the axe off the wall and Aonung took it. The axe was really big and heavy, but they didn't have anything else to fight back with.

Together they quickly ran through the hallway to look for an exit. When they made it to the first floor, they saw all the Metkayina warriors fighting with the humans and avatars.

It was a real war.

"Come on, this way!" Neteyam said and the kids ran to the open deck. They tried to hide, but some of the guards noticed them.

"Hey!" One of them yelled out. Aonung took his axe and tried to swing it at them, but it was too big and heavy, he couldn't control it.

He fell off the side and Neteyam charged forward. Raeya took her last remaining arrow and drew it.

One of the guards managed to take away Neteyams knife and the other one held him down.

Raeya was about to shoot, but Neteyam was in her way.

"You shoot, and you kill both of us." The guard said cockily.

The girl didn't know what to do anymore, if she would shoot that guard, she would hit both of them, the guard and Neteyam and she wouldn't have any more arrows for the other one.

But if she didn't shoot them and shot the other guard, the one holding Neteyam would kill him.

So either way, she had to act fast.

OooO, can't wait to write the second part now, this got super interesting.
Btw, thank you guys so much for all the love and for the feedback you have been giving me. It honestly means so much for me.
Thank you💜💜💜

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