Part 18

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Raeya had spent the last couple of days with her father, now that they were getting along again, it was pretty good.

She introduced Neteyam to him properly and laughed at how nervous they both seemed. Neither of them really knew what to say or do.

For a while, she had everything, a boyfriend, a father, good friends and a peaceful environment. What more could she ask for.

She was especially happy when she heard of the Tulkun returning. It was the time of the Tulkun migration season, which meant that the Tulkun had returned from their journeys.

And the thought of seeing her spirit sister again, made her beyond happy.


"Their back! Our brothers and sisters have returned!" Tsireya called out from the water, when she noticed the huge crowd of Tulkun swimming into the lagoon.

A huge seashell horn blew to signal the village of the Tulkun. Everyone ran out of their homes, they stopped what they were doing and jumped right into the water.

Raeya ran into Neteyams Marui and dragged him out," you have to meet my spirit sister," she didn't give Neteyam a choice on whether or not he wanted to, but he didn't mind.

They jumped into the water and swam towards the Tulkun.

Neteyam had never seen anything like this in his life. These huge water creatures were stunning. They all swam around the lagoon and interacted with the Na'vi.

They jumped out of water and swam circles around each other. It was beautiful he thought.

Raeya found her spirit sister, they hadn't seen each other for ages. She took Neteyam by his hand and swam in front of the creature.

'I see you, my spirit sister' Raeya used that finger talk, that she had tried to teach Neteyam, but he wasn't really getting it, to introduce Neteyam to her sister.

'This is some one special' she signed and motioned to Neteyam.

'He comes from the forest'

Neteyam floated there, just wondering what she was talking about, he couldn't understand most of it as he only knew a few words.

When his air ran out, he signaled Raeya that he was going up to the surface. He swam away and left Raeya with her spirit sister.

'He seems nice' her spirst sister said.

Raeya blushed at that.

'But what about Aonung?' Her question made Raeya exited, she had forgotten to tell her about the agreement being broken.

They spoke to each other for another couple of minutes and then Raeya went up to the surface to talk to Neteyam.

She surfaced and saw the way that Neteyam was looking all around him, watching how the Metkayina bonded with their spirit sisters and brothers.

She giggled at his cute face and swam up to him.

"What did you talk about?" He asked.

"Just things...and people," Raeya and her spirit sister had spoken about Neteyam the most, how they met, their first kiss, how he took her flying.

"Nothing about me?" He smirked.

Raeyas spirit sister blew water out of the hole on top of her head, signaling that they did speak about him.

"You don't need to know everything," she said and avoided eye contact.

They swam around with the other Tulkun for almost the entire day. And when they were all tired out, they swam back to shore.

'I'll see you next season' Raeya signed goodbye to her spirit sister.

'I hope I'll see him next time as well' the Tulkun swam away from the lagoon, leaving behind their Metkayinan families.

Raeya and Neteyam went back to her home and sat down in her room. They spoke about the Tulkun and their history.

Raeya mentioned that Tulkun do not kill, it is their law. But when speaking about it, her face went sad. Neteyam knew that Lo'ak had bonded with Payakan, the same Tulkun that killed Raeyas mother.

Speaking about the Tulkun and her mother made Raeya think about all the times she visited the spirit tree to speak to her mother.

"You know I haven't been to the spirit tree in a long time," she began, "would you like me to take you there?"

Neteyam was intrigued, he had always wondered what the spirit tree looked like under water.

They went to Kiri and the others to tell them about going to the spirit tree. This plan made everyone exited. So they all got on some Ilus and swam to the cove of the ancestors.

Tsireya was in the front leading others and when she came out of the water on her Ilu, everyone followed.

"We're here, the cove of our ancestors,"

Everyone was looking around in amazement, the forest Na'vi had never seen an under water spirit tree before, and by the looks on their faces, they were impressed.

"The eclipse is the best time to be here," Raeya said and looked at Neteyam who was on the Ilu next to hers, with Tuk.

And just like magic, the sun went into eclipse. The entire cove went dark and for a split second, everything was pitch black.

But then the cove lit up. Everything started to glow just like the plants in the forest that they had grown up in. The water turned light green and you could see all the way to the bottom.

Neteyam looked at Raeya with a smile on his face, he was fascinated by the beauty of this place.

Raeya just laughed at his expression and motioned to move forward. They dove under water and swam towards the spirit tree.

The tree looked more like a huge bush of seaweed, but regardless, it was breathtaking.

They swam around the tree admiring the beauty of it. Neteyam was holding Tuks hand the entire time, to not let his little sister out of site.

Raeya noticed that and smiled to herself. Neteyam was a really good older brother. And good with kids ;)

Tsireya showed everyone how to connect their braid to the tree, and that's what they did.

Kiri, Neteyam, Tuk and Lo'ak connect themselves to the tree, while everyone else stayed behind to look over them.

Tsireya took this time to talk to Raeya about Neteyam.
'So how are things going?' She signed.

Raeya rolled her eyes, 'really good, what about you and Lo'ak?'

Raeya could see the obvious blush on Tsireyas face and laughed. But before she could say anything else, Rotxo stopped both of them.

'Come on guys, stay focused' he signed.

And just as he said that, they heard a struggle coming from the tree.

They all looked at the tree to see Kiri, twitching and seemingly drowning.

Raeya swam to Neteyam and Lo'ak and pulled them out of their bond while Tsireya and Rotxo helped take Kiri to the surface.

Kiri had stopped moving and it scared all of them.

"Kiri!" Tuk screamed.

Neteyam took Kiri onto his Ilu and started to do mouth to mouth breathing.
"Is she breathing?" Rotxo was using his hand to hold up Kiris head.

Neteyam continued the breathing and soon enough Kiri took a breath again.

"What was that?" Tsireya asked in a scared voice.

"It was a seizure," Neteyam said.

"We have to take her back," he took a better hold on Kiri and took off with her.

"Come on, let's go," Tsireya took Lo'ak and swam right after Neteyam, and Raeya took little Tuk.

They all hurried back to the village.

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