part 28

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Jake was getting closer to the ship. He was really ready to sacrifice himself so his children and all the others would make it out alive.

Getting closer, he noticed movement on the side of the ship. He looked closer and realized that it was a Na'vi. And not just any Na'vi. It was Raeya.

Raeya was standing on the side edge of the ship behind a wall. No one on board noticed her, but Jake did.

He watched as she took an arrow and put it on her bow. Getting ready to fire it. He realized that if she fired that arrow, they would attack back. And he wouldn't be able to save his kids.

Jake looked back at Tonowari, but he didn't see Raeya on the ship, he was too far away.

Panic filled his face. What was he suppose to do?

Raeya took her arrow and put it down on her bow. She squeezed the handel and sighed.

"Oh great mother give me strength for this." She prayed.

She let out a quiet call to signal Tsireya that she was there.

Tsireya heard the familiar sound and her ears twitched. She looked around herself but saw nothing. Where was that sound coming from, she thought.

She heard that sound again and this time even Tuk heard it. "Raeya?" She whispered under her breath.

Neteyam heard her and looked around in confusion. He was looking to see Raeya somewhere, but he couldn't see her. Why would Tsireya say her name? His movement made one of the avatars angry.

"Stop moving so much!" He said and pushed Neteyam against the railing.

And right as he did that, an arrow shot his head.

Raeya jumped out from behind that wall and shot another arrow at one of the avatars.

Chaos broke out on the ship, and Jake decided to use it as an opening. He threw his gun into the air and yelled, this signaled the Metkayina warriors to charge towards the ship.

Raeya shot two more sky people right in front of Neteyam and the others. She didn't miss a singel shot.

But her arrows were running out and she had to think fast. She put her bow over her head and took out her knife. An avatar that was charging towards her took out his loaded gun and got ready to fire.

"Raeya!" Neteyam screamed at her to run or escape, but she ran right towards the enemy.

She jumped up on him before he could shoot and placed both her leags around his neck. She threw a big punch at his face and twisted herself in a way that made the guy she was fighting fall down unconscious.

She landed on the ground and looked at her friends. Neteyam was really happy to see her, but he was also terrified of her getting hurt.

She smiled at him and Neteyam responded with, "that's my girl," in a big smile, but their interaction was cut short by Quaritch.

He took a gun and shot at Raeya. He missed. But Raeya didn't have a choice but to run.

She quickly got up and dove off the ship. Leaving her friends there.

"Looks like your friend left without you," Quaritch said. He took Neteyam by his braid and lifted him up.
He pointed his gun straight to his head again and spoke into the earpiece.
"Sully, call off your dogs. Now!"

But it was already too late. All the Metkayina warriors were charging full speed towards him. And Quaritch realized that there was no way back.

"Open fire!" He yelled at his soldiers.

They opened fire on his command and shot at the Na'vi.

The Metkayina dove down into the water where the bullets couldn't reach them.

"Take them inside!" Quaritch barked out to his avatar soldiers. They were about to take all the kids from the railing but before they could do that. They heard someone yell.

From the top of the stairs, a human boy came running down.

"Don't hurt them!" He called out to the avatars, but they just ignored him. Guards grabbed onto the boy, preventing him from reaching the kids. He continued calling out. "Stop! Don't hurt them!"

The boy looked at Neteyam "Bro, you okay?" He called out.

Neteyam, who was currently being forced down, looked at the human boy. "Yeah, great cuz. Never better"

"Get him back to the bridge" Quaritch said and pointed at him, then to the ship. The guards nodded and started to lead him back.

"Keep him there!" Quaritch ordered.

The guards pushed the human boy forward, but he pushed them off of him.
"I'm going, I'm going." He said to the guys hurrying him forward.

The guards got busy trying to get that human back inside the ship and had kinda forgotten about the kids cuffed to the railing.

"Psst," Tsireya called out to everyone.

Kiri, Tuk and Neteyam looked at the girl in curiosity. Tsireya pointed her head towards the ground in front of her.

She didn't need to say anything for them to understand.

Neteyam directed his gaze to where she had pointed and saw a familiar blade on the ground.

He then realized that Raeyas plan was never to free them, but for them to free themselves.

She dropped the knife on purpose right where they could reach it.

Kiri used her leg to push the knife towards Neteyam so that he could pick it up. She shoved it to him and Neteyam took it. He quickly looked around himself, to make sure no one was watching.

He cut himself loose and then got to the others. First freeing Tuk then Kiri and then Tsireya. He took the knife into his hand and looked around one last time.

The avatars were too busy keeping an eye out for the Metlayina warriors who had charged towards the ship a few seconds ago.

Random shots were fired at the water but it was getting too quiet. There was almost no movement. Everybody was focused.

The kids tried to move quickly, but one of the soldiers noticed them and yelled.
"Hey!" Neteyam pointed the knife towards the sound and saw that a few soldiers had started to run towards them.

"Run!" He said and watched as Tsireya and Tuk dove off the ship. Kiri however was a little too slow and got caught by one of the avatars.

And Neteyam went back for her. He swung his knife at the man but he missed. And failed to notice the other one behind him.

The other avatar took him into his arms and squeezed so Neteyam couldn't move.

They were stuck again.

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