part 20

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The next day, Neteyam and Lo'ak woke up early. Both of them felt like something was off. Neteyam stood up first from his spot and went outside.

Lo'ak saw that his brother was awake and followed him out. He made it to the doorway and looked at his brother stretching out his body.

He was looking out into the distance. Lo'ak didn't care about stretching in the morning, his first mission was usually to find Tsireya.

And that's what he did. Lo'ak looked at the beach next to the Marui area. But what he saw caught his attention  He was staring at something.

Neteyam turned around and looked at his baby brother,"Morning baby bro," he said with a grin. But Lo'ak didn't respond.

He was still staring at the beach. Neteyam noticed his gaze and looked where he was looking.

They both saw Ronal, standing half way in the water with her hands stretched  out in front of her.

Behind her on the beach were Raeya, Aonung and Tsireya. They were just standing there, not speaking, not doing anything.

This site intrigued the boys and they decided to go check out what they were doing.

Lo'ak walked first and Neteyam was closely behind him. When they got closer, they stopped.

Everyone's faces were serious and deep in thought. Lo'ak looked at Neteyam, who just shrugged.

"Raeya wh-," she cut him off by putting up her hand. She signaled him to be quiet. The girl didn't even look at him when she did that.

Now they were worried. Why were they looking out into the horizon? What was happening? They had so many questions, but they also didn't want to disturb whatever it was that they were doing.

Neteyam gently took Raeyas hand into his own, to let her know that whatever it was she was worried about, he was there for her. He looked down at her other hand, and noticed that it was intertwined with Aonungs hand.

For a split second, Neteyam felt a spike of jealousy, but when he looked at Aonungs other hand, he noticed that it was also intertwined with Tsireyas hand.

They were holding hands. Noticing that made Neteyam more confused. He looked back at Ronal, who was still standing in the water with her hands stretched out.

"Raeya, talk to me. What are you doing?"

Tsireya looked Neteyam and Lo'ak with a confused face, "you guys don't feel it?" Her question seemed odd.

"Feel what?" Lo'ak asked.

"The water," Aonung was concentrating on the sea, he didn't bother to look at them, but he did answer.

"What about the water?" Neteyam and Lo'ak were beyond confused now. Was there something wrong with the water?

"You really can't feel it?" Tsireya asked.

Raeya finally looked at the boys, she saw their confused faces and sighed.

"They don't feel this like we do, but they do feel something. Am I right?" Neteyam thought back to when he woke up. He could feel that something was off to him. But he couldn't explain what it was.

"So what is wrong with the water?" Lo'ak was still not getting it. He looked at Tsireya for answers.

"The water, it has changed," she said in a sad tone.

"It's like," Aonung began.

"The tides have changed," Raeya finally said. Both Aonung and Tsireya looked at her when she did, and they both knew that she was right. But neither of them had wanted to say it out loud.

"What do you mean the tides have changed?"

"It's supposed to be high tide right now, but it's low. This should not be happening," Aonung was looking at his mother. Her face was filled with anger and sadness, but she didn't know why. She could sense that something was off, but she didn't know what it was.

"The tides do not change like this, nature is trying to tell us that something is wrong by doing it," Tsireyas voice was quiet, but after all she was the daughter of the tsahìk, she had been taught all of this. But she had never imagined that she would have to witness the tides change.

Raeya finally spoke again, "I don't know how to describe it, but I don't like this." Neteyam stood next to Raeya and held her hand. She looked at him with small smile.

She knew that Neteyam probably didn't understand what was going on, but at least he was trying to. And that made her happy.

Throughout the whole day, everyone in the Metkayina village had been acting weird or strange.

Random people were staring out at the sea, some where going to Tonowari to ask questions and some were just ignoring it.

But one thing was for sure, they all could feel it. The change. Whatever it was, they could sense it.

And Kiri could as well.

The entire day, Kiri had been feeling ill, she was shivering and dizzy. And no one knew what was wrong with her.

Ronal had come in to see Kiri again, she performed some tsahìk rituals again, but this time nothing changed for the better.

"Something is coming, I can feel it," Kiri said to Ronal. Ronal looked at her and went deep into though.

Kiri could sense the difference like Ronal could. And it spiked her interest. But she saw the fear in her eyes, so she didn't say anything.

"There is nothing you should worry about my child. Everything is fine," she lied.

Ronal left and told Neytiri that Kiri was fine, but just a little shaken up by what had happened yesterday.

Neteyam and Raeya took a walk in the forest to clear their heads. But Raeya still seemed off to him. The way she would only respond with few words. The way she barely even looked at him.

He couldn't take it anymore.

"Look I get that you think that something bad is going to happen, but Raeya, look around you," he lifted his arms into the air to gesture around him, "everything is fine. Nothing bad can happen to us,"

He put his hand under Raeyas chin and placed a small kiss on her lips.

But just as Raeya was about to give in and agree that nothing bad was happening, they heard a loud cry from the beach.

"They are dead!!" A Na'vi that had come from the lagoon screamed.

"They are dead!"

"What is the meaning of this? What are you talking about?" Tonowari came out of his Marui and walked to that Na'vi.

Neteyam and Raeya ran out of the forest to see the whole village wondering what was happening.

"The Tulkun, they have been hunted," she cried.

Everyone gasped, Ronal looked at Tonowari and asked the woman, "where, where did you see this?"

"Outside the reef, Ronal...they killed Roa."

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