part 25

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Raeya swam as fast as she could to catch up with her friends. But when she got there, it had already been too late.

She saw as a huge metal boat charged straight towards her friends.

Raeya could see her friends pull an orange blinker out of Payakans back. She watched as they tumbled into the water. She noticed that besides Neteyam, Aonung, Tsireya and Lo'ak, there were Tuk and Kiri there as well.

"It's out! We did it! It's out!" Tuk cheered, but Kiri looked at the ship that was getting closer and closer to them. "Go! Tuk, go!" She urged.

"Go! Get out of here!" Lo'ak called out to everybody. Neteyam pointed to the left. "Go that way! I'll draw them off-" He made eye contact with Raeya, who was watching from the distance. For a brief second, his eyes softened, but then went back to serious. He got back to drawing them off.

Tsireya and Au'nong started to swim off, he grabbed his sister and pulled her up on an Ilu and dove down.

Kiri called out to Tuk and they swam away. Aonung and Tsireya followed them and Neteyam drew the ship away from the others.

Neteyam, who was swimming as fast and as far as he could away from the others, kept the beeping device behind him. Suddenly, there were explosions at the top of the water, which set Neteyam off course. He was almost thrown off of his Ilu, but he quickly grabbed back on. He looked back at the surface and saw the ships, so he dropped the device between some seaweed and took off.

The others were all hiding in long bushes of seaweed underneath the water, not being able to swim far without alerting the ship of their location. They didn't know what to do.

A few metal underwater ships came out of nowhere. They started charging towards the kids, trying to catch them. Aonung and Tsireya took off one way and Kiri swam the other way with Tuk.

They were swimming so fast that Tuk's grip on Kiri started to lessen, and soon she was barely holding on. Kiri tried to grab Tuk and secure her.

Tuk was desperately holding onto Kiri's hand, the only thing that was connecting the two. Kiri held onto her as tight as she could, before a piece of seaweed knocked Tuk backwards.

A metal ship was just behind them and Lo'ak turned into a thick field of seaweed, hoping to lose them. Lo'ak held out his arm in front of his face, so the seaweed didn't poke him blind. He dodged a huge metal hand coming at him and swerved.

To his right, Raeya was swerving through the seaweed, trying to get to her friends as fast as she could. She saw one of those ships charging right towards Tuk. So she took her spear, jumped off her Ilu and threw it hard at the ship.

The spear pierced the front glass of the ship and water started to rush through. Kiri swam back for Tuk and grabbed her.  Leading them away from Raeya.

Raeya was left floating in the water, watching as the small sky people drowned inside their little ship. But before she could swim back to her Ilu another ship came right at her.

The ship grabbed her right between its metal claws and held her down. Raeya screamed in pain as the claws cut her skin. She had no way of escaping, the hold was too tight.

She desperately looked around her for anything to help. But everyone had gone and there was nothing to help her. The ship turned around with Raeya in its claws. But right when it did, Neteyam charged towards Raeya, he grabbed her arm and tried to pull her up.

However Raeya was stuck so Neteyam had to let go of her to not rip her in half.
He then charged at the ship and jumped on it.

He hit the roof of the ship really hard and managed to create a dent in it. Whoever was piloting the ship, slipped and pressed the wrong button and let go of Raeya. She quickly swam away and Neteyam followed her.

He called for his Ilu and grabbed on to her. He strongly lifted Raeya up on his Ilu and placed a hand on her thigh to keep her as close to him as possible. She wrapped her arms tightly around his stomach and together they hurried back to their friends.

But before they got any further. The sky people fired a net around them, and they all tried to rush out of it.

Neteyam threw Raeya off his Ilu and got caught in the net. Aonung, who had been on his Ilu alone grabbed Raeya and took her onto his Ilu. Tsireya, Kiri, Tuk and Neteyam where inside the net and Lo'ak was hanging on to it.

The net surfaced with them and Lo'ak took his knife out. He tried to cut them out, but before he could do anything he lost his grip and fell.

Raeya and Aonung surfaced and watched as their friends were carried on to the ship.

She yelled out. "Fuck!" In frustration. Aonung placed a hand on Raeyas thigh to signal her that he was not letting her go after Neteyam.

They watched as they were dropped off, and how they were tied up to the railing.
Lo'ak surfaced and looked at the ship.

He felt responsible for what had happened. But there was really nothing he could do now. "Lo'ak!" Raeya yelled. He turned around to see Aonung and Raeya riding towards him.

He reached out his arm and Raeya pulled him up. They looked back at the ship one last time before deciding to back away.

They didn't have any weapons, no way of protecting themselves of their friends. So they had no chance.

Raeya saw as one of the guys pushed Neteyam and yelled at him. The sight made her angry. She wanted revenge.

They quickly took off towards the village, trying to go unnoticed by the sky people and evil Na'vi. They had to tell the adults.

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