part 22

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The sun had gone down and Raeya was still not back.

Neteyam was getting increasingly more worried. He looked out to the reef, he couldn't help but let his thoughts wander.

What if she got hurt? What if her spirit sister was killed and she was captured? His thoughts went crazy.

But just as he was about to give up on waiting and go after her. He saw a familiar face in the water. It was Raeya.

He sighed in relief. She was okay.

Raeya came out from the water and was met with a worried Neteyam. "Where were you? I have been waiting for you for so long." He put his hands on her arms.

Raeya placed a hand on his face and looked him deep in the eyes. "I had to make sure that my spirit sister and the others would leave. I don't want them to be killed."

Neteyam placed his forehead against hers and sighed, "I have to give you something," he took Raeyas hand and led her to his Marui.

They stopped at the entrance and Neteyam went in, leaving Raeya to wait. He went in and came out with something in his hand, that he was trying to hide behind his back.

"I know that you use the spear often, but I also know that you are pretty good with a bow," he took out a beautiful bow from behind him and handed it to Raeya.

Her eyes went wide, "what? Why are you giving this to me?" She took the bow into her hand and looked at it carefully.

This wasn't just a bow, it was his bow. It was made out of wood from his home in the forest. The bows that the Metkayina had, didn't come close to the quality of the Omaticaya bows. She was impressed.

"I am giving this to you because I promised that I would protect you no matter what, and this way, I can."

"Neteyam, I don't know what to say."
His bow had beautiful carvings on it, and when looking at it carefully, she noticed one the caught her eye.

It was a carving of seashell, the same seashell that Raeya always wears around her neck. And below it was a carving of 'R + N' inside a heart.

She looked at Neteyam with a gratitude, he really loved her. And he was willing to give his bow to her, so she would always be protected by him.

The hugged, and Raeyas eyes started to tear up. Neteyam felt that and broke the hug. "What's the matter?"

Raeya sighed and looked at him with fearful eyes, "I don't want war. I can never end well." Tears slowly came down her cheeks.

Neteyam didn't know how to answer her, he wanted to say that war wasn't coming, but that would have been a lie. So instead he just pulled her in a hug again.

As they were hugging, Lo'ak walked past them. He was hurrying. Lo'ak didn't even almost notice his brother and his girlfriend standing there. But when Neteyam was about to say something, but Raeya stopped him by placing her hand on his chest.

She watched as Lo'ak glanced around and called his Ilu. He slipped one of the saddles on, about to mount when showed up.

Neteyam wasn't about to let his brother run away like that again, "No way you're running out of here, baby brother." He humorously said.

"I have to warn Payakan," Lo'ak said and noticed that Raeya was there as well.

"Lo'ak y-" she was cut off by Neteyam.

"No," he refused. "You've got to keep your skxawng ass here."

"He's an outcast!" Lo'ak pushed. "There's nobody to warn him but me!"

"Bro," Neteyam patted the boy's head, shaking it slightly. "Do you always have to make things so hard?" He teased.

Lo'ak pushed his hand away, frustrated at him. "No, you mean why can't I be the perfect son like you?" A tension had rose between the brothers. Neteyam backed away, nodding. "The perfect little soldier? Well, I'm not you! Okay?"

The older boy stepped forward and looked down, holding back sharper words.

"I'm not you," Lo'ak admitted. "He is my brother. I'm going," He turned to leave, taking a couple steps before he was interrupted.

"Oh, he's your brother?" Neteyam stepped after the boy, grabbing his arm and turning him back. "I am your brother."

"Lo'ak stop, this is to dangerous," Raeya was trying to reason with him.

"You were the one that told me to protect Payakan and that he was my spirit brother." Lo'aks words came as a surprise to Neteyam.

When did she say that? Why would she say that? Payakan killed her mother, so why would she tell Lo'ak to protect him.

The girl's eyes fell to the floor. "No Lo'ak, this is different, you can get killed!" Raeya placed a hand on Lo'aks arm, but as soon as she did that, Lo'ak hit it away. He tried leaving again, but Neteyam stopped him.

Neteyam grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Lo'ak don't,"

Just as he was about to say something to his brother, Tsireya, Aonung and Rotxo came running in. "Lo'ak!" They tried stopping him but it was too late.

"Get off me," he moved from Neteyam's grip. Before any of them could pull him back, he dove into the water and grabbed a hold of his Ilu.

Neteyam couldn't let his curiosity go. He had to know what Lo'ak meant by saying that Raeya had told him to protect Payakan, before he went after him.

"When did you tell him to protect Payakan? I thought you hated him?" He turned to Raeya, there was nothing they could do about Lo'ak now. He was gone.

"I- it's just something we spoke about a couple of days ago, it doesn't matter," she was confused as to why he was asking her this.

"No, it does matter. Lo'ak is going after Payakan because you told him to protect him." He voice came out rough. He was obviously affected by what Lo'ak had said. And now he was pouring his anger out on Raeya.

"What? What did you tell him?" Tsireya was taken back by Neteyams words. They were all confused.

Raeya sighed and looked around her. Everyone was staring at her.

She had no way out of this. She had to tell them the story.

"It happened a couple of days ago, when Lo'ak and I had that fight,"

Thank you guys so much for all the reads. This is the first book that I have written here and I can't believe how well it is doing. Thank you a million💜

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