version one, part 1

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Raeya took one final look at him. She was conflicted. Should she run and leave him, or should she drag him with her?

"Go!" He yelled one more time.

The girl gave him an angry look, signaling him that she was not happy with the decision she made.

She quickly placed one more kiss on his lips and ran.

Neteyam coverd her by shooting at the guards.

She landed in the water and swam away from the ship. She saw two pairs of legs away from the ship so that's where she swam.

When she surfaced she was met by Lo'ak and Spider laughing at how what had happened was so cool. And how they felt like true warriors now that they had fought these evil avatars.

Raeya looked around her but Neteyam had still not followed her. Why was he taking so long?

Aonung, who had been waiting for them outside came to them on his Ilu.

"Finally! I thought you had died!" He said to Raeya and Lo'ak. He stretched out his hand to her to leave this place at once.

But Raeya didn't react. She looked around herself frantically. Where was he? She thought.

"Raeya we have to go," he said in a hurry. But she didn't look at him.


"I can't. Not without him!" She finally looked at Aonung. Raeya had to make sure that Neteyam had gotten out safe. She wouldn't leave without him.

Just then Neteyam surfaced and all eyes went on him.

"See? Can we go now?" Aonung said in a hurry.

Raeya went to Neteyam, but she didn't say anything. She just looked at the struggling boy.

Lo'ak however was too excited to notice that something was wrong. "Bro, did you see how I shot at these guys?"

"You skxawng." He said in a loss for breath.

"I'm shot-"

Raeya was too scared to say anything when she saw the blood and Neteyam struggling to keep himself afloat.

Aonung however quickly jumped off his Ilu and guided it towards him.

Lo'ak started to panic.

"Shit shit shit!" Lo'ak repeated. Spider and Lo'ak started on bringing Neteyam closer to the Ilu.

"Get him on!" Spider yelled out. Neteyam let out a groan, feeling his blood quickly draining.

Aonung brought the Ilu closer, and Lo'ak helped Neteyam on it. Lo'ak and Spider got on and then pushed the Ilu and started to head to the nearest rock as fast as they could.

"Stay with me bro," he said. Lo'ak was officially scared. He had no idea what he was doing. All he could think was that he has to get his brother to safety.

Aonung called for another Ilu and got on it fast. "Raeya we have to go." He looked at the girl and stopped before going.

She was just swimming there. She didn't say anything or do anything. Her eyes were fixed on the direction that Neteyam had gone. But she was completely zoned out.

"Raeya?" His voice was calm. He knew that Neteyam getting shot had scared her and that yelling at her was no use.

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. But she didn't respond.

Aonung just reached out his hand to her and looked at her without saying a word.

She gave him a shaky hand and he pulled her up to the Ilu. He took her hands and placed them around his torso so she wouldn't fall off. He was worried that she wouldn't be able to process what was going on. Together they swam after Lo'ak.

When they got there. Jake and Neytiri were already there. Raeya got off of the Ilu and looked at them. They were all moving in a big hurry.

Lo'ak was keeping pressure on Neteyams shoulder, Jake had a worried look and Neytiri was praying to Eywa.

"Dad, I want to go home," he said in a painful and shaky voice. Jake just sighed and nodded.

These words were hitting Raeya like a bunch of rocks. He wanted to go home, to the forest. Not home to her and the ocean. So she didn't get any closer to them. She just stood there to the side and looked at everything, but her head was empty.

Raeya looked at Neteyam, but he didn't look at her. His body was shaking and he was trying frantically to breath, but he couldn't.

She didn't know what to do. She just stood there, feeling useless and empty.

Jake turned around and looked at the girl, "Raeya, come here," he said. In Jakes mind, this was his way of showing to them that he approves their relationship. And he wanted her to be with him.

For Neteyam to see that she was with him.

This snaped her out of her thoughts and she quickly ran to them. She sat down next to Neteyam and took his hand.

"Keep pressing on here," jake guided her. She placed her hand on his chest and put pressure on there.

Neteyam then looked at her, and she looked at him. His gaze softened when he saw her. She could feel how his heart was beating really fast in his chest.

"Raeya-" he said in a quiet tone.

"Shhh, don't say anything. We can talk later, okey?" She said in a shaky smile.

But right when she said that, his eyes dilated. She felt his heart stop under her hand.

He stopped breathing.

Raeya looked at him with confusion. She didn't understand. And then her smile faded.

"No," was all she could say.

Neytiri started to repeat Neteyams name. She had realized that his son was gone. And it broke her.

Raeya quickly stood up and walked away. She stopped before she got the edge of the rock.

All that she could hear was Neytiri crying and screaming. And the sound of the waves crashing into the rock.

She felt empty.

And gone.

Just like her will to live.

Sorry for the two day wait. I had to rewrite this chaper because I wasn't happy with the firts version.
Also to be clear, this means there will be a second part to this version of the ending, and aslo a 15 years later part.
I haven't decided yet if I'll write them together or into separate chapters.
Anyway, thank you guys so much for almost 30k reads tho.
Much love to all of you💜💜💜

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