Part 10

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"What should I bring for your mum?" Ant asked "what does she like?wine?chocolates?flowers?...and your dad?does he like beer?whiskey?I don't know,what do you think?"

"Will you calm down" Dec laughed "you don't need to bring them anything,it's you they're interested in,nothing else"

"That doesn't help with my nerves" Ant frowned "and it would be bad manners to turn up empty handed when someone has invited you for lunch"

"Just take a bottle of wine then" Dec shrugged "there's plenty on the shelf over there"

He nodded to the wine shelf that he had set up in the kitchen.

"Well,that would be really mean" Ant replied "to not even pay for my own"

"Suit yourself" Dec shrugged again.

"They're gonna interrogate me aren't they?" Ant asked "especially your mum"

"Oh my God" Dec shook his head despairingly "just stop it will ya?they're human,not monsters,it'll be fine,anyone would think you've never met a boyfriend's parents before"

"I haven't" Ant pointed out "you know you're my first partner"

"Oh yeah" Dec giggled "but I promise you,it will be absolutely fine"

So the next day,Ant stood nervously outside Dec's parent's house,with a big pile of gifts in his arms,as Dec let himself in with the key that he still had in his possession,his mum having insisted that he keep it in case of emergencies after the night he was left on the doorstep in the middle of the night when Sebastian dumped him so callously.

"Hi Mum...Dad" he called out.

"DECLAN" Anne squealed as she came running into the hallway and wrapped her arms around her son as if she hadn't seen him for years "How's my boy?"

"I'm fine Mum" Dec replied as he attempted to wriggle out of her grasp "hi Dad"

"Hi Son" Fonsey smiled and hugged Dec once his wife gave him the chance.

"Mum,Dad" Dec beamed "this is partner"

"It's lovely to meet you Ant" Anne smiled warmly and attempted to hug him too,but struggled through the huge pile of flowers,chocolates and wine he was carrying"

"These are for you Mrs Donnelly" Ant said politely.

"Oh please,call me Anne" she smiled,gratefully taking the gifts "that's so nice of you,but you really didn't have to"

"That's what I told him" Dec stated.

"Well,it's very kind of you" Anne beamed "Darling,put the flowers in water will you?"

Fonsey immediately took the gifts from Anne.

Ant smiled inwardly at this happy couple,it was already pretty obvious to him who wore the trousers in this relationship.

"Come on in" Anne ushered Ant and Dec into the living room "lunch won't be long"

"It smells amazing" Ant smiled.

"Have you had Lebanese food before Ant?" Anne asked.

"Some little bits at Dec's" Ant nodded "but not a proper meal,I don't think...not yet anyway"

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Anne sighed "that boy of mine would rather just order a pizza"

"Hey,that's not true" Dec frowned,feigning offence "I eat lots of Lebanese food,I love it"

"Would that be the ones that your mum has made for you that are still sitting in your freezer?" Ant grinned.

"Sounds about right" Anne laughed,just as Fonsey arrived with a tray of drinks.

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