Part 51

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Dec had been advised that he would need to keep the bandage on for at least ten days,so instead of hanging around the recording studio for the whole time like he had originally planned,he and Ant decided to take a trip to New York to visit Dec's cousin Barney and the dogs would go too.

Ant was really happy about this as it meant Dec would get some downtime to just relax,which was a rare occurance,catch up with his cousin and spend time with Ant,who had yet to tell him that he'd received confirmation of his acceptance into the army that coming November.

So he decided to do that while on the break and there was something else on his mind too.

As they lay in bed one night in Dec's cousin's apartment,with Dec laying comfortably in Ant's arms,Ant couldn't resist smothering Dec's face in sweet little kisses.

"How's your finger now?" He asked "does it still hurt?"

"Nah" Dec smiled "those painkillers the doc gave me are pretty strong...they make me sleepy though"

"Well,you're on holiday" Ant pointed out "you can sleep whenever you like"

"True" Dec nodded "although I didn't really want to come all this way just to sleep,I obviously want to catch up with Barney too"

"Fair enough" Ant smiled "maybe tomorrow the three of us can take the girls for a lovely walk down by the stream?They'd love that"

"Sounds good" Dec yawned and closed his eyes.

"Get some sleep baby" Ant whispered and kissed Dec's forehead "I love you"

"Love you too" Dec muttered sleepily.

Ant planned to inform Dec about his acceptance to the army during the relaxing walk and of his other idea.

He didn't mind Barney being part of the conversation,Dec was very close to him and Ant actually valued his input on things too.

So as they strolled through the shallow stream in their wellies the next day,the girls having the time of their life splashing around and chasing sticks,Ant found he didn't even have to broach the subject as Barney did it for him.

"So Ant" Dec's cousin smiled "Dec tells me you're going into the army?That's brave"

"Well,not for long" Ant laughed "and it will probably be hell on earth,but it's just something I need to do"

"I get that" Barney nodded "I know becoming a Greek national is very important to you"

"It is" Ant confirmed "it's really important or I wouldn't do it otherwise,thankfully it's only for a few weeks and I've...umm...I've had confirmation that I've been accepted this November"

"Have you?" Dec asked surprised.

"Yeah" Ant smiled softly and took Dec's hand in his and kissed it gently,not worrying about their no public displays of affection rule as that part of the stream was pretty secluded and no one else was around.

"You're okay with this aren't you?" Ant asked "we knew it was coming"

"Yeah,I am" Dec promised "just gonna miss you,that's all"

"Not as much as I'm gonna miss you" Ant whispered.

"Alright lovebirds" Barney laughed "we get it,you're both gonna miss each other,but you're used to being apart,so what's the big deal?"

"It's just going to be hard that's all" Dec sighed as they continued with their walk "and we won't be able to talk to each other at all for the entire time...they'll take Ant's phone away from him as soon as he arrives there"

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