Part 50

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The recording of the German programme went well and Dec couldn't wait to get back to Ant the next morning.

He was booked onto an 11am flight back to Milan,so was up early and ready to be picked up from outside the hotel with the rest of his band,who had performed with him on the TV show.

As was often the case,Dec was running late,even though he'd got up bright and early,but his disorganisation got the better of him once again.

But eventually he was ready to go and as he came out of the door,with his overnight bag in hand,he noticed the 'Do not disturb' sign that he'd hung on the handle on the outside of the door.

'Oops' he thought to himself 'can't leave that there,that wouldn't be right'

Forever considerate of other people,Dec knew it wouldn't be fair to let the cleaning staff think he was still in the room,tucked up in bed and not wishing to be disturbed.

So he hitched his bag up over his shoulder,opened the door and quickly grabbed the sign and hung it on the inside door handle before the door slammed shut.

Only he wasn't quick enough to remove his hand and he suddenly felt the worst physical pain he'd ever experienced in his life as the heavy door slammed onto the middle finger of his left hand,trapping it.

Dec felt the agonising pain shoot through his finger and he battled with himself not to pass out from the pain.

He'd never felt pain like it and the fear immediately set in as he looked down and realised his finger was still trapped and he would have to open the door to release his severely injured digit.

He whimpered tearfully to himself as he attempted to deal with the pain,but the blood oozing from his finger after he released it,made him feel extremely scared and queasy.

He was in too much agony to even think straight and it didn't even cross his mind to go back into the room and clean himself up,instead choosing to quickly get a handkerchief out of his trouser pocket and wrap his finger up in it and although in agony,rushed downstairs to check out and catch his lift to the airport.

His bandmates waved to him as they got into their taxis.

"See you at the airport" Max shouted out.

Dec just nodded and got into his own cab.

He did his best to hide what was going on from everyone,keeping his finger hidden in his pocket or inside his jacket as much as possible.

He didn't even know why he was hiding what had happened from his friends,but for some reason he felt extremely embarrassed about the accident and all he wanted to do was get home to Ant and his loving arms.

Dec constantly went to the toilet on the flight,to try and clean up his finger and change the toilet roll that he was now using as his handkerchief was soaked through with blood.

"You drank too much water or something?" Max laughed as Dec got up yet again "you're up and down like a yoyo"

"Treat me like a yoyo,treat me like a yoyo" the rest of Dec's band burst into song,singing the lyrics to Dec's most recent hit song.

"Very funny" Dec rolled his eyes "I...umm...I don't know what it is,must have eaten something dodgy last night"

"Too much information" Max laughed "I'll remember not to use the loo straight after you then...and what's wrong with your hand?are you okay?"

"Yeah,I'm fine" Dec lied.

"Then why are you keeping your hand inside your pocket the whole time?" Max enquired.

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