Part 29

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"Hey" Ant said softly as Dec awoke the next morning.

"Hey" Dec replied.

"How are you doing?" Ant asked concerned.

"Dunno" Dec shrugged "okay I guess,I'm sorry about the mess I made,I shouldn't have done that"

"Don't you worry about that" Ant smiled,choosing not to mention Dec's much loved ornaments,he would no doubt be perfectly aware of what he'd done by now after all.

"Was a horrible day yesterday huh?" Ant continued sadly.

Dec nodded and laid his head down on Ant's chest.

"I'm glad you're here" Dec whispered.

"Where else would I be?" Ant asked curiously.

"I mean I'm glad you're here with me" Dec replied "in my life,being the wonderful boyfriend you are,I don't know how I'd live without you"

"Well,I'm not going anywhere" Ant smiled "so you don't have to worry about that"

"I mean..." Dec continued as he played with Ant's chest hair "that you always take care of me,you're always here for me and for that I'm so grateful"

"That's my job" Ant smiled "and I like taking care of you"

"Should be the other way round" Dec stated "I'm six years older than you,I should be taking care of you"

"Dec" Ant sighed "we take care of each other,that's what you do in a relationship and age is irrelevant,it's just that you have a lot more dramas in your life than I do"

"Fair point" Dec yawned "not sure how I'm going to deal with this latest one though,I just can't bear the thought of losing her"

"I know" Ant replied sadly,wishing there was something he could do to make this situation better.

But from what Anne had said,it sounded like there was nothing anyone could do to save her.

The operation and chemotherapy would only prolong her life by the sound of it,but not save it.

"I'm so glad you came into my life" Dec whispered,jolting Ant out of his thoughts.

"Me too baby" he replied "me too"

Once the day of Anne's operation came around,the family gathered at the private hospital and waited anxiously for news.

"We've removed most of the tumour" the doctor informed them several hours later "but sadly we couldn't get all of it"

"Why not?" Camelia asked.

"As I explained to your parents" the doctor continued "sometimes a tumour can be embedded too deeply in the brain for all of it to be removed safely and unfortunately this was the case"

"So what happens now" Dec asked.

"We'll start chemotherapy soon to hopefully shrink it further" the doctor smiled kindly.

Fonsey had suggested that he and his kids all stay together in a rented house after Anne's operation,locking themselves away from the outside world.

"But what about Mum?" Dec frowned.

"Well,obviously we'll all go to the hospital every day" Fonsey informed them "but when we're not there,I'd like it to be just me and my children"

"Not even our partners?" Camelia enquired "and what about Bobby?"

"Sorry" Fonsey said sadly "it wouldn't be the right time and place for kids"

"Being with their mother is always the right time and place for kids" Camelia replied stubbornly.

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