Part 52

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Dec looked at Ant sadly,upset that this was finally happening,but trying to put on a brave face for Ant's sake.Dec didn't want him to feel any worse about this situation than he already did.

"I'll help you carry your bags to the car" Dec offered.

"Ok" Ant nodded and he and Dec took what actually wasn't that much stuff outside with the dogs merrily trotting behind them,completely oblivious to what was going on.

"You don't have that much stuff" Dec pointed out "for a month"

"Dec,I'm not going on holiday" Ant laughed "I'm going in the army,I'll be provided with a uniform"

"Oh yeah" Dec said sheepishly "of course you will...perhaps you'll be able to keep it?"

"Like that would you?" Ant grinned.

"Maybe" Dec giggled.

"Never knew you were a sucker for a man in uniform" Ant laughed.

"Neither did I" Dec shrugged "but we'll see"

"We will see" Ant smiled and kissed Dec's cheek "Just need to pop back in for my jacket,then I'm all set"

"I'll come with you" Dec mumbled.

"Okay" Ant laughed at the thought that Dec was going to escort him inside to do something that would literally take five seconds.

"So,do you want to say goodbye here or outside?" Ant asked gently.

"Both?" Dec replied tearfully.

Ant immediately cupped Dec's face in his hands and Dec placed his hands on Ant's waist.

They kissed passionately,lost in the moment for a while,until Ant eventually forced himself to pull away.

"I'm going to miss these lips so much" he whispered as he ran his thumb over Dec's lips.

Dec couldn't stop the tears flowing once again and wrapped his arms completely around Ant,burying his face into his shoulder and sobbing gently.

"It'll be okay" Ant promised as he held Dec tightly and kissed his hair "you'll see and your dad will be here this afternoon,that'll be great won't it?"

"Yeah,it will" Dec nodded "I can't wait to see him"

Fonsey had agreed to come and stay with Dec for some of the period while Ant was away.

Dec would be working for a lot of it,but Fonsey didn't mind,he'd just hang out at Dec's place with Melachi and Amira or even tag along to his work sometimes if Dec allowed it.

Ant was just glad that Dec wouldn't be alone and Dec especially was looking forward to spending some time with his dad.

Unfortunately because of Dec's work commitments,it had been quite a while since they'd seen each other.

"I guess you'd better be going then" Dec whispered.

"Yeah" Ant nodded,now wishing more than ever that he didn't have to do this damned stint in the army.

He knew it would be horrible,he'd have a rotten time and would miss Dec like crazy,but he didn't have any choice if he was to get his Greek citizenship.

Ant took Dec's hand in his and walked slowly back out to the car.

"Now" Ant said firmly "don't watch me drive away okay?you know that'll only upset you even more"

"Okay" Dec nodded "and you don't look back at me in the rear view mirror,for the same reason"

"Okay" Ant smiled "I promise"

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