Part 12

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"You don't need to know" Dec frowned.

"Come on Dec" Ant grinned "spill the beans,you know Pat is gonna tell me anyway"

"Please don't Pat" Dec begged "it's so embarrassing"

"Well" Pat said,ignoring Dec's pleas "this particular April fools day,me and Camelia had done so many great tricks that everyone kept on falling for,so our Dec here was getting a little bit jealous"

"Yeah,I was" Dec nodded,now deciding if this story had to be told,he would be the one to do it,knowing how Pat was prone to exaggerating to wind him up"

"What did you do?" Ant asked impatiently.

"I thought what about me?when will it be my turn?" Dec stated "I was determined to think up a good trick and I thought I had the perfect one"

"You won't believe what he did Ant" Pat laughed.

"What?" Ant asked "come on Dec,spit it out"

"Our Grandmother was staying at the time" Dec said sheepishly "she was sat in the living room,watching crappy television and filing her nails,so I went into the kitchen and whispered to my Mum 'Ma,Granny's dead'"

"You did not" Ant stated surprised.

"Unfortunately he did" Pat said.

"What did your mum say?" Ant asked.

"She and everyone else just dropped what they were doing" Dec replied "and Mum asked me to repeat what I said,so I did"

"Oh Dec" Ant tried to stifle a laugh "what were you thinking?"

"Just that it was a good joke" Dec shrugged "but I know now that it wasn't"

"Go on" Ant encouraged.

"So there was a lot of crying and wailing and everyone went rushing into the living room" Dec informed him.

"Where your granny was still watching crappy TV and filing her nails right?" Ant stated.

"Yep" Dec nodded "so everyone turned on me,I got smacked so hard"

"I'm not surprised" Ant shook his head in mock despair "how old were you?"

"Twelve or thirteen" Dec replied.

"So old enough to know better then" Ant said.

"Yeah" Dec sighed "I never did an April fools joke again after that,I'm obviously too foolish for that,so I now leave that to other people who aren't as foolish as me"

"Oh Dec" Ant laughed "you are adorable"

"I'm stupid" Dec argued.

"Stupidly adorable" Ant grinned.

"You see what we've had to put up with from this one all these years Ant?" Pat teased.

"I do" Ant smiled "I've heard some pretty crazy stories already"

"Lucky for him we all love him so much,eh Dec?" Pat beamed.

"Oh God" Dec exclaimed "don't be getting all soppy on me"

"I love the way some of your family work on Dec's career" Ant told Pat "that's amazing"

"Yeah,we all work very hard" Pat nodded "but it's worth it,even if we do argue a lot"

"Yeah,I've heard" Ant laughed "I guess you tolerate a lot"

"Oi" Dec snapped.

"I love working with Dec" Pat smiled "but he's my baby brother who I adore first and foremost,that will always be the priority and if work ever started coming between us,then we would part ways career wise"

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