Part 21

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Camelia's recovery continued to go well and against all the odds and with the help of the amazing doctors,physiotherapists and her loving family,she slowly defied all predictions and worked hard at learning to walk again.

She spent a long,arduous eighteen months in hospital,but eventually the day arrived when she could go home.

Well,home was now Fonsey and Anne's place as Camelia didn't want to go back to the flat that had changed her life,so her parents had sold it for her.

The family went all out in welcoming her home and it was an emotional celebration for all and one they thought they would never see that awful night that Dec had found her fighting in the darkness.

At one point,Camelia took Dec to one side as Ant watched from afar.

"Hey,little bro" she smiled "how are you doing?"

"I'm fine" Dec beamed "I'm so glad you're home and the nightmare is finally over"

"Yeah,me too" Camelia nodded "but Dec,I just wanted to thank you"

"For what?" Dec frowned.

"What do you mean for what?" Camelia laughed "you know what,for putting your life on hold for me,for looking after me,for encouraging me,for never giving up on me,for supporting me and for being such an amazing brother even though I was a total bitch to you"

"You weren't a total bitch" Dec replied firmly.

"Yeah,I was" Camelia insisted "I know I was,I took my anger and frustration out on you and that wasn't fair,I'm so sorry,you know I love you right?

Dec nodded,grateful for Camelia's apology.

"Thank you for saying that" Dec replied "and I'd do it all again if I had to,mood swings and all"

"I know you would" Camelia smiled "that's what makes you so special,you're the best baby brother a girl could have,but thank you...thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me,I promise I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you"

"You don't have to" Dec replied.

"Yeah,I do" Camelia insisted "and I will"

The two siblings hugged warmly and Dec now felt a sense of peace that he had never experienced before.

"Everything is going to be fine now" Dec smiled as he and Ant arrived back home.

"Yeah,it is" Ant nodded "and I'm so happy for all of you,especially now I've got you back"

"You know what I was thinking?" Dec said,as he flicked the switch to the kettle on.

"What?" Ant asked curiously.

"Now I know Camelia is going to be fine..." he smiled "I want to get back into song writing,it's time I think"

"Well,if you feel ready for it?" Ant smiled "then that's great and just in case I haven't said it before,how you've dedicated your life to looking after your sister for the last year and a half was absolutely bloody amazing"

"Thanks" Dec smiled "it's just such a relief to know she's going to be fine,it felt like life stood still all that time,now it's time to restart it"

"I'm so glad you feel like that" Ant beamed.

"There is one more thing" Dec said cautiously.

"What's that?" Ant asked curiously.

"Darren has asked me to stay with him for as long as I like,so I can be somewhere peaceful while I write and I've accepted his kind invitation"

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