Part 54

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"Twenty three days will fly by" Fonsey assured Dec "then Ant will be home"

"It won't though will it?" Dec frowned "he's only been gone a few days and it already feels like years"

"I'm sorry Son" Fonsey smiled sympathetically "I know you're missing him like crazy"

"I am" Dec nodded "but its not like I can do anything about it,I'm just trying to keep busy"

"And that's great" Fonsey replied "distracting yourself is the best course of action"

"Please stay Dad" Dec suddenly blurted out.

"What?" Fonsey asked surprised "what do you mean?I am staying,I'm here aren't I?I'm pretty sure I'm not a figment of your imagination"

"No,you're not" Dec giggled "you're here and I'm so happy about that,I'm loving spending time with you,but I mean will you please stay until Ant gets back?"

"Really?" Fonsey smiled "You'd want me around for another three weeks or so?would have thought you'd have had enough of me already?"

"Not at all" Dec shrugged "it makes a big difference having you here,you're good at distracting me when I'm feeling down"

"Well,I'm glad to hear that" Fonsey replied "I know you're getting lonely..."

"The nights are the worse" Dec interrupted "I miss cuddling up to him"

"You're used to that though" Fonsey pointed out "you're often apart because of work"

"I know" Dec nodded "and I know I've said it before,but it's different this time,I'd give anything to have his arms wrapped around me right now"

Fonsey felt so sorry for Dec,it broke his heart to see his beloved son so sad and he would do anything to help him.

"Well,it may not be the same" Fonsey smiled "but my arms are pretty good for hugging too...come here"

He pulled Dec in for a warm embrace,hating seeing how much Dec was suffering because of Ant's absence and held him tightly and rubbed his back affectionately.

"So you'll stay?" Dec whispered into his dad's chest "please"

"Of course I'll stay" Fonsey replied "I'd do anything to help you,I'm your dad,it's my job"

"Thank you" Dec mumbled gratefully.

"But I'll leave the day before Ant comes home" Fonsey stated as they pulled apart.

"Why?" Dec frowned "I'm sure Ant would love to see you"

"That may be so" Fonsey smiled "but do you really want your old dad getting in the way of that reunion?"

"Fair point" Dec grinned "We'll have a lot of catching up to lots of ways"

"Yeah,alright" Fonsey laughed "I don't need to know all the gory details,thanks very that's sorted then?I'll leave the day before Ant comes home?"

"Okay" Dec agreed.

And so Fonsey spent the next few weeks at Dec's place,looking after him,going to work with him and just hanging out with him and loving every minute of it.

Meanwhile,something unexpected had happened to Ant while he was in the army.

The hatred he felt towards everything except his fellow soldiers had lifted and he'd actually started to enjoy his time there.

Of course the work was still gruelling and the food was still horrible,but he'd now been allowed to make some short films about his time there for his Epirus Falls podcast,which made him extremely happy.

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