Chapter 4

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Five years later…

If someone had told him the day he was born that he would be running missions with a group of strict commandos as a medic and he would be in on the action. Taught how to wield several blades and guns, he would have told them they were crazy. It had been five crazy years, he was working with people who actually cared for him, his health and would defend him to the end of the earth. A family created on honest trust.

He still had contact with certain members of the 501st but he didn't know if he ever wanted to go back. He loved it, the thrill, the excitement, the love of his family. His chosen family had never left him on his own ever since that fateful day. Boss had taken him under his wing straight away, Scorch became a big brother. While Sev became the annoying friend who never shuts up and Fixer became a type of mother to him. Kix couldn't be more grateful especially since he had his daughter to raise. Kix named her 'Dove' because she was his miracle, his light to the darkness. 

The birth was complicated. Kix almost died plus when Boss had to report it back to General Skywalker. The general nearly flew across the universe just to be by the medics side as did Coric. The old medic asked for regular updates and had been on the Delta-Fire more times in the two years than in the past five. Kix had a scare, the man had been kidnapped by some forces who claimed the medic was not needed. 

Kix had worked out a major plot in the separatists plans and had asked to meet with General Skywalker who was on his way over when Delta Squad received a transmission from the general for help. 

Kix sighed looking at his teenage daughter who had grown rapidly until Fixer bumped into someone and now Delta Squad were not rapidly ageing. They had worked out the problem and shared it with the Jedi Council who took it and used it under the supervision of Shaak Ti and Mace Windu. 

"Suit up!" Boss called out as he landed the Delta-Fire on Tatooine. The group had been called to rescue General Skywalker, General Kenobi, Padawan Ahsoka and a small group of clones who had been caught in a pickle. Leading to one of them being severely injured and the group were now trapped in a cave avoiding the sandstorm that was keeping them at bay.

Over the years, Delta Squad hadn't changed in their armour much but made sure their newer members did. Kix wore a cloak around his armour which was a mix of colours, the cloak was grey on the outside but on the inside it had a streak of different colours. They were orange, green, red and yellow. It was a symbol of gratitude to Delta Squad's colours for taking him into their family. His armour was painted grey. It was an impassive colour while the cyan colour ran down the inside of his leg and a medical red badge was on each shoulder pauldrons to symbolise who he was. 

The first thing Boss made sure when he joined was he got Kix some reinforced armour that actually fitted his body. Kix was skinnier due to not having ate but over time the commandos helped him recover. Dove even had armour. Scorch and Sev had taken her 'shopping' and created a type of armour for her. So she would be protected and blend in. She wore similar armour to her father but instead of being a medic. She had a knack for shooting and became a marksman. She had been taught by a small commando group that Kix had bumped into called Clone Force 99. Crosshair was kind enough to teach her some techniques as long as Kix helped them with Wreckers eye. The demolition expert almost got himself blown up. Thankfully Delta Squad were in the area. 

Dove looked exactly like her dad. She had a lithe figure. Came up to his shoulder, she was about the age of 15. Sadly her childhood was gone but she loved her father and Delta Squad so much. Her five years flew by but she couldn't have been such a strong woman without their help. Kix's DNA made her rapidly age but it was known now that if he had a child now. The child would age at the normal rate. Dove found herself smiling when she thought back to memories she cherished and held tightly to her chest. Most of them were with her family but one was of someone special to her.

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