Chapter 20

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An hour later…

Tech was just landing the ship when Omega cried out for her help, Hunter moved into the body only to find Crosshair vomiting into the refresher, he was instantly worried as blood slipped from the marksman's lips. Crosshair was shivering pale white. Tech instantly kneeled beside him scanning him while Hunter rubbed his back. Crosshair grimaced, he gasped feeling pain spread through his head. He slumped back into Hunter who caught him looking down at him with pure worry. The room wouldn't stop spinning. 

A banging on the door alerted them to the others, Wrecker and Echo answered only to greet two worried clones, those being Cody and Kix who ignored the others walking past Echo who moved aside. Cody placed himself in the door of the refresher while Kix appeared beside Tech who moved, allowing the medic to assess the marksman. 

Crosshair grimaced when Kix attached a few things to him, checking everything, even his head. 

"Crosshair, speak to me" Kix muttered pushing his vocal cords which caused agony for him but he had to find out what was wrong. 

"Head hurts while it won't stop spinning, kids kicking and I vomited blood" Crosshair bluntly said, accepting whatever needle Kix had administered. Omega snuggled closer into his side effectively calming him down. 

"The blood might be from your earlier injury, nothing is coming up on the scanners…" Kix cut himself off to cough, he grimaced himself trying to get his vocal cords to work. When he came up empty, Tech stepped in, "It would seem the reason you are throwing up blood is because of the violent kick you took to the side earlier when we were captured. It's nothing to worry about since your scans are coming back clear" Tech explained for Kix who had signed it. 

"The head spinning and hurting, well Cody thinks he knows…" Kix coughed moving out of the refresher to the outside air accepting the oxygen mask off Boss who helped him click it in place. He leaned into his buir when Coric directed him into the facility where his eager daughter waited. Dove and Jesse wasted no time in wrapping him up. 

Footsteps behind them alerted them to the batch, Crosshair was being helped into the room by Wrecker while Cody went off to shower knowing his son wanted him over an instinct indescribable. 

Everyone made their way into the commanding room which hosted Obi-wan, Cody, Anakin, Ahsoka, Wolffe, Fox, Howzer, Comet, Sinker, Rex, Hardcase, Fives, Delta Squad and the bad batch. Other clones were in the room next door including Appo and Gregor. 

"So, what now?" Ahsoka spoke up starting the conversation, Anakin could only frown his eyes connecting with Kix's, the medic looked absolutely exhausted from where he was leaning against Jesse who was standing right beside Hardcase. The two having caught up on bits missed. 

"What I want to know is how, some of you who clearly died are back?" Obi-wan questioned, crossing his arms knowing Cody was on his way to the room from reaching out to him via the force. 

"I can't even explain that myself" Hardcase chipped in. 

"What I do want to know is why the Empire are after Cody, Kix and Crosshair?" Anakin voiced the question they all wondered. Kix ignored the 'looks' sent his way while Crosshair had a stern glare on his face while Omega sat in his lap. The young girl was a little uncomfortable. 

"It's because we are Force-sensitive" Cody said walking into the room with his infant son in a sling across his chest, he didn't wear his top armour again but he did accept Obi-wan's cloak to keep him warm. 

"Your what?" Rex exclaimed. 

"We are Force-sensitive, we are the clones the council was after" Cody explained his point, moving over to Crosshair, the marksman looked up at his approach only to silently gasp when Cody's eyes flashed yellow in recognition. Crosshairs flickered blue before returning back to their chocolate colour. Cody smiled walking back over to the command table taking a seat beside Obi-wan who watched him with concerned eyes. 

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