"How is he?" Fives asked, from his place leaning against the tree, they had set up camp.
"He's unresponsive, nothing on the scans is coming back to worry us. He's okay, I just don't understand why he isn't waking up" Coric muttered, his eyes never leaving the unconscious marksman in the arms of the demolition expert. Fox watched with weary eyes as he held Orion in his arms since the three Jedi had vanished once again, the commander swayed slightly keeping Cody's son warm.
"Hunter, she won't stop crying. Your turn" Echo grumpily murmured passing over their daughter, Hunter took her with a smile as he tried to settle their miracle. Angel continued to cry, Omega had actually named her after they had all agreed. Mainly Crosshair who didn't mind.
"I think I now understand why the force users left" Hardcase tried to joke, only earning himself several glares. Jesse’s facial expression was the coldest. Hunter felt very frustrated, unaware that Angel could feel it as she continued to scream. Tech was scanning her with worry as Wrecker tried to wake the mother of their child.
"I know it sounds strange but put her in Crosshairs arms, I know he is unconscious but it might…." Rex was interrupted by an explosion coming from the facility behind them all. Delta Squad all moved to their feet just as Omega took Angel off her worried brother, with all attention on the facility. Omega did as Rex suggested. Wrecker watched her with worry and gasped when Angel began to glow as did Crosshair. He almost dropped his lover out of fear when the screaming stopped turning all attention towards Crosshair who blinked awake holding his daughter close.
Another explosion to the side brought all attention to the facility again. The clones couldn't help but grip their guns tightly to their persons.
"Cross?" Wrecker's voice was a little louder alerting everyone to the demolition expert. Hunter, Tech and Echo moved on the double especially when Crosshair let out a groan of pain. Boss found himself moving forward only for Fox to grab his arm and shake his head. The two shared a knowing look as another explosion up ahead had the ground shaking.
"I'm…good, get off" Crosshair muttered, his half-push away had Hunter very concerned. He knew that Crosshair wasn't one for public affection but he seemed more fearful than normal. Tech moved to pull Crosshair close when Orion suddenly let out a scream, all heads whipped to Fox who frowned down at the baby in his arms.
"Woah! He has a good set of lungs on him" Hardcase said as Rex moved to help Fox calm Orion.
"He won't settle…not until he's…" Crosshair coughed into his arm trying to regulate his breathing through the pain he was feeling through his chest. Dove watched with concern as Crosshair separated himself from Angel and Wrecker, the demolition expert held their daughter close with Omega watching.
"Not until he's with Cody, he needs Cody to settle…the same way, you will be feeling pain because Kix isn't around" Crosshair bluntly said, gesturing at Dove who glared at him as her secret was out. Jesse and Fixer moved to assess her with Grey smirking at the snake, Crosshair rolled his eyes.
"Crosshair, what happened in there?" Anakin's voice broke through the clones, alerting them all to the fact that the Jedi had returned. Obi-wan had taken back Orion only to give him straight to Ahsoka and Fives, the two taking him to try and settle him. None of the Jedi listening to the fact Orion needed Cody.
"A test"
Obi-wan raised an eyebrow.
"We need more information"

A Pain Lost In The Stars - Complete
AdventureA missing medic, a furious commander and a young marksman find themselves in a difficult situation but what connects them all. Why are the kaminoan' so desperate to get them back? Why is the Empire putting out all this effort to capture these three...