Chapter 6

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Waking up wasn't the easiest for a clone nevermind being knocked out. Jesse sat up with a gasp, he found himself in a small cage. Another body was beside him or more in particular in his lap. Jesse gasped seeing the armour on Delta.

"I'm glad at least one of you has woken up. It was getting boring on my own" Jesse looked up only to gasp at who was on the other side. Darth Maul stared at him with his normal impassive look. "Now why don't you two get to know each other now that your helmets are off" he remarked before leaving the two clones to themselves. Jesse frowned at what Maul said until movement below him had his attention.

Looking down Jesse gasped when his brown eyes connected with familiar green ones. 



Kix remained still in Jesse's lap. He didn't really have a choice since the cage was so small. Silence filled the small space for quite a while as the two contemplated what to say. The medics head had dry blood running down the left side of his face which was wiped away quickly. Kix opted not to say anything as he moved slightly only to gasp in pain, he gritted his teeth but didn’t manage to stop the groan from his lips. 

“Where does it hurt?” Jesse asked moving his legs so the medic could point it out. Jesse groaned inwardly seeing a large cut on Kix’s inner thigh. The medic was in pain and couldn’t reach to at least apply some bacta. “Pass it here and I will help you” Kix didn’t hesitate, he passed the bacta spray over and remained still allowing Jesse to get to work. Kix had to squeeze his eyes shut and prevent a blush from appearing on his face. Jesse ignored Kix and finished applying the bacta just as the door to the room they were kept in slammed open. 

“Get up and out! Don’t try any funny business” Maul threatened using his lightsaber to show his threat off. Kix managed to get out and then took time to help Jesse out. The Arc trooper didn’t say much but he did slightly manoeuvre his body in the way of Kix’s smaller and thinner body. The medic rolled his eyes. “Put these on!” Maul threw their helmets at them. “Do everything I say or I will go after your daughter” Maul threatened. Kix only nodded, placing his helmet on his head while Jesse frowned and obeyed. Maul led them through a series of tunnels from where he landed. Jesse could tell they were still on the same planet from the smell and locals. Clones were rarely seen here so the two were gawked at. Kix remained rigid as he walked beside Jesse, the medic hadn’t uttered a word since whispering his name. 

“Sit down and don’t make a sound,” Maul warned, gesturing to a nearby booth. Kix climbed in first allowing Jesse to have the edge. Kix inwardly groaned when Maul slid in beside him and stared at the two with a wide grin. “You two are going to bring me big bucks. Someone is buying you” He grinned, Kix shivered trying to stop old memories from appearing in his head. A hand on his thigh made him look to see Jesse’s hand even though the arc trooper wasn’t looking his way, he knew Jesse was concerned for the two of them. 

There were a few bounty hunters entering the parlour, the two clones could tell Maul was on edge. Just who was this buyer. Kix froze when he noticed a familiar face enter the parlour, he reached down to Jesse’s hand and placed it on his waist. Jesse frowned beneath his helmet but went with it. Maul raised an eyebrow until he noticed who had entered. A buyer who was after a pleasure slave. Jesse pulled Kix into his side more forcefully than he intended to. The medic didn’t make a sound as the man walked over just as another man came to stand beside the table. “Are these for sale, Hmm?” the man asked before the pleasure one could who walked off in a huff. “They are'' Maul said with a smile, accepting the man's hand. “What can they do?” the man asked, “They are ex-clones, now mercenaries” Maul answered, digging his claws into Kix’s side to get the clones to stay quiet. 

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