Chapter 7

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"Delta from Delta Squad you are under arrest due to Treason against the Republic while helping the enemy" Kix couldn't blame Fox for doing his job but even the commander didn't look like he wanted to do this and it must have shown so much because Cody questioned him, "Fox what's going on?". Fox ignored his batchmate and moved forward when he found his path blocked by Hunter and Crosshair. 

"I believe the commander asked you a question," Crosshair snarled. Fox looked at the marksman who he had arrested previously countless times when he or Wrecker had been causing trouble or were intoxicated.

"I'm just following orders," Fox said bluntly, looking at Cody. 

"From who?"

Fox groaned inwardly and said through gritted teeth, "The Chancellor". Cody let out a gasp. Hunter moved Crosshair tighter into his side, the marksman didn't complain.

"Fox, what's going on?" Cody asked again just as his batchmate made a quiet whisper, "Not here, he's watching. I need you to stage a fight. Kix you need to leave now. The chancellor isn't who he says he is" Fox whispered, making a signal to the other guards to move forward. Cody felt some small object slip into his hand. Crosshair grinned looking at Hunter who called into the ship for their demolition expert. Tech started the engines up just as Boss came around the corner. 

Crosshair took the first swing so Delta Squad wouldn't get in trouble and since Clone Force 99 were troublemakers anyway. Hunter jumped in to defend his partner while trying to separate the two. Wrecker just jumped in because why the hell not? Oh and also to help his batchmate. Boss gasped when Kix was punched in the head, the medic crumpled to the ground. Just as the 501st torrent came around the corner with Anakin and Obi-wan. The two looked at the scene in front of them and groaned. But were confused as to why the Coruscant Guard was here. Cody hit the floor hard as Fox slipped something else in his hand. The commander of the guard nodded seeing the Jedi he backed away which led to Delta Squad climbing into the Havok Marauder with Clone Force 99. Kix stumbled in last as the doors shut. Fox grumbled to himself as Cody helped him up. 

Anakin tried to stop them from leaving but the ship left jumping into hyperspace quickly. Cody was left shaking his head and 'shouting' at the Coruscant Guard who only walked away. The commander turned around only to groan when he saw the generals and 501st torrent. 

Cody grimaced when he led them all to his own quarters and explained the situation. After checking, his room wasn't bugged. Obi-wan was unreadable while Anakin wore a look of anger which only worsened when Cody plugged in Fox's memory sticks. There were lists of clones in danger, many of them had passed on bar three, Dooku's voice appeared over the stick almost like he was speaking to someone. 

"Kix, designated CT-6116, Served in 501st. Claimed to be MIA. Down for Treason against the Republic due to having information that could end the Sepratist plans. Medic must be stopped at all costs including his daughter. Dove, born in secret. Her other parent believed to be a clone but may have died. She is an abomination. Created without proper care. Kix is said to be defective and all those defective need to be locked away. A group known as Crimson Dawn almost completed their task. The task was to take the medic clone from the Coruscant Guard and freeze the medic to halt dark secrets from coming out. It is said this clone is force sensitive and stubborn. We must kill him before our major secret is lost. Otherwise our soon to be Emperor will have our heads. What the Republic doesn't know won't kill them? Find Kix before he reveals the rest of our plans! Oh and while you are at it, find CT-2224 and CT9904, our soon to be Emperor needs them for their connection to the force! The Emperor will rise up once he is rid of these three clones!”

The voice recording ended with Fox appearing, the commander looked exhausted as he spoke, "Cody, find Kix before Chancellor Palpatine does. Kix believes the last sith lord is right under the Republic's noses and that Palpatine is him. I wouldn't doubt the medic as his instincts have always been right. Attached to the second drive is Kix's tracker. Boss had put it in our medic’s arm for future reference five years ago. Only me and Boss, has had access to it. We can't allow it to fall into the wrong hands. Excuse my language, I will watch over the bastard and keep you informed but if I get decommissioned for this. So be it. It was worth it. Cody, you should watch your back and tell the snarky marksman of clone force 99, he owes me for his last cell night" Fox finished but before he cut off transmission, he turned only to answer another call leaving theirs open at the time of the recording.

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