Chapter 5

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"Pretty good." I was slowly clapping as he emerged from the water with my surfboard. I hadn't noticed the crack in the new board my Aunt had literally just bought me until now. Unaware, Niall flipped his blonde hair to one side spraying me with ocean water.

"You owe me a new board." I crossed my arms in a pout trying to make him feel bad.

"Sorry, your wimpy board couldn't take my skill." He retorted shrugging at my accusation. I rolled my eyes and laid back down on the sand.

"You still didn't tell me your name, shortie."

"Who you calling shortie?" I lifted my sunglasses down looking at his short height for a boy. He seemed about 5' 7'' so not that tall. He chuckled at my retort and crossed his arms mimicking my movement in search of my given name.

"Caroline, Caroline Goddard," I nonchallantly said laying back down.

"A pretty name, for a pretty girl."

"Don't you have someone else to hit on? Preferably, not me?" I heard him laugh again he knew my type. I wasn't usually hard to get but this was actually really fun.

"Okay, well Caroline. I'll be happy to buy you a new board tomorrow after dinner." I pulled my glasses down again seaming annoyed but groaned in approval.

"Sweet, see you at 6, shortie." I felt his shadow move away and I was kind of relieved he had left. It was hard playing hard to get with someone you so badly wanted to be with.


"That should do it." I twisted around in my white lacy dress in my mirror. Niall and I's date was tonight and I was actually really nervous. I don't know if I would call it a date, for one thing I barely knew him. I pulled on some brown strappy wedges and lightly curled my long hair. Applying some red lipstick to my lips I heard a buzz come from my room.

I looked at the screen and a text message from El came up. 'Hey! Heard your going on a date with Niall tonight. Be careful, alright? :)' Be careful? What did she mean by that. What I saw on TV was Niall being a goofy, hungry, and cheeky young boy enjoying life with his friends in a band. Nothing I should 'be careful' about. I grabbed my purse when I heard the doorbell ring. Steve was already answering it when I got downstairs. He gave me a dissaproving look when he saw Niall in low, saggy jeans, a sweatshirt, and a snapback,

"Hey, gorgeous." Niall said seeing me past Steve. Steve gave me a nod and whispered 'Be back by 11' What was he, my father? I already had enough of my strict parents at home. When I shut the door behind me Niall handed me a flower.

"Thanks," I gave him a small smile as we got into his car. The car ride was long, and awkward. It seamed like Nialls confident self left the world completely. I don't know if it was that he was nervous, or just not liking me anymore for whatever reason. We arrived at a small bakery downtown. Niall opened my door and helped me out.

"This is cute." I commented walking in the door. A blast of warm air lifted my hair up as I joined into the smells of baked goods including cakes, muffins, and cookies.

"Niall!" One of the ladies greeted him with a kiss on the cheek almost pulling his shirt over the counter.

"Caroline this is Maura, my Mum." I was shocked to be meeting his mother on the first date. Even if it was a date or not it was quite peculiar.

"Hi, I'm Caroline." I shook her hand over the counter and she took her apron off tearing it from her clothing. She came from outside the counter and gave me a huge hug.

"She's a hugger." Niall chuckled. Mrs. Horan had us sit in a secluded corner by the window where eventually girls gathered to get a look at Niall.

"Tough being such a girl magnet, ain't it." I joked.

"Sometimes, it has its perks." I twisted the straw around in my drink moving the ice back and forth. Niall noticed my boredom and called his Mum over.

"Can you get us one of you special red velvet cupcakes, Mum?" She nodded and went back behind the counter to work.

"So, Caroline. What brings you to England?"

"School, parents."

"I see, they are- divorced?"

"No, just work a lot, my brother isn't leaving any time soon so it was my turn." Niall nodded listening intently. Even after seeing that boy who smoked, and gave random teenage girls his number he seemed caring and he was a really good listener. I still wanted to play hard to get though.

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