Chapter 49

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A/N: So chapter 48 was deleted for who know's what reason, I'm not going to rewrite it right now but I will another day. Sorry for the inconvienence.

*Caroline's P.O.V*

~4 years later~

"Hello, Miss. Can I help you?" I inquired sweetly. A bit to sweet. I had to, my job required the over the top happiness. I was a pharmasist, I don't quite remember what brought me to this idea of an occupation but its not like I could ever make it an author.Graduating college last year in the major of literature & journalism was a big set back in the career I'm outlooking today.

It's more of a half time kind of job. Something to keep me busy & still earn money. I loved working with people and children so seeing them all together at CVS truly makes me happy.

Well most of the time.

After uni I moved to London seeing I loved the weather from my senior year of highschool. Of course at first it was hard to continue on in such a sentimental part of the world. But it all seemed to work out, all the kinks working into place.

See, Niall is to busy with his band to ever acknowledge that I was upset in the first place. Of course Eleanor would call from time to time along with maybe Harry or Louis but other than that it was a pretty habituated place for me. I had my work partners in crime, well one to be exact.

Her name is Andie. We hit off day one, both our bobble head blond and brunette personalities colliding. We would go to starbucks with eachother every morning, have sleepovers, and everything else friends did. We were more than just work aquantinces.

Duh I still had Emma but she was to busy with her new fiance, yes I said fiance. He proposed to her on her 21st birthday last month. Her & Luke were made for eachother. I wished sometimes to find love like she had possesed. I had those on and off little bar dates that ended in a hook up and a 'I'll call you later' when really it was silence after that.

Nothing like love.

I was right, I felt like I couldn't love again. My heart after 4 years was just as need of mending but friendship has those stiches to help somewhat. You could say I avoid ever letting him cross my mind but its hard when they're all you see on the news these days.

'Niall got a hair cut this, Harry got a girlfriend that.' It was impossible to get interested into. Well I guess it wouldn't be if you were one of those creepy fangirls. It's stupid for me to say that now considering that was me nearly 5 years ago. I've changed, matured, and came to realise stalking on my ex boyfriends band was a stalkerish lifestyle.

"Yes please," The old lady mumbled. "I need two oz of motrine."

"Last name?" I inquired pulling out some papers for her to sign off on.


"Thank you, Miss Maverick." I gave her a grin and dissapeared into the back to pull out her medication.





There, M. I pulled it out of the folder picking up the medication and brought it to the front counter. She was fiddling with some button on her walker and looked up to smile as I brought it forward.

"Thank you, dear. Your so kind." She gladly took the medicine in her frail fingers and brought out her wallet. She handed me a 20. "Keep the change, sweetie."

"Thank you so much. Have a nice day," I gave her a little wave putting the bill into the cash register. I tightly hugged my white lab coat closer over my top. The air conditioning was bogus here. I went back to where the medication was held and saw Andie shuffling through some folders. I leaned on the container she was meddling through, "Hey, Blondie."

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