Chapter 52

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*Niall's P.O.V*

"Is there anything else I can get you?" The waitress pleaded flipping through her little note pad. Caroline sat in solitary lightly picking at her finger nails. She sat directly agacent from me not acknowledging the fact that we had come here on a date. Not a I talk the whole time while she rudely spaces off. Let's just say the date wasn't going exactly as planned. I glanced outside quickly seeing light rain drops had begun to drip down the window pane. The ocean was stirring, large waves and ice crystals swirving.

"If I could just have the check. That would be great," I gave her a weak smile with my lips and leaned my head onto my hands.

"Alright, sir. I will be right back." I nodded continuing to focus on the girl in front of me. She kept fixing her vision onto something other than me. Her nails, hand, purse, maybe even her shoe. She was making this so overly difficult. Dinner had gone so much worse than expected. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, whether or not she was bored or just destested me further.

"Caroline," I spoke. She glanced up quickly cocking her eye brow.

"Can we atleast have a friendly conversation?" I sighed.

She scoffed, "Fine, how was your day, Niall?"

"Stressful. I took forever to plan this dinner and a date with you." I sighed tossing my napkin from my lap onto the table. The silverware clattered loudly. "And, its just a distaster."

"I wouldn't say complete disaster. The bread was good," She nonchalantly shrugged. I narrowed my eyes at her pursing my lips into a thin line.

"You don't get it do you?" I inquired."You don't get that I'm trying everything in my will to apoligize. To retrieve what we once had. Don't you get that?" I said the last few words a bit louder & harsher then intended leaving her standing up from her chair disgusted. She gripped onto her purse and fled past me. I grasped onto her wrist trying to refrain further movement.

"Obviously if you were trying hard you'd actually be nice for once. You managed to fail that as well." She spat before angrily yanking her appendage back to reach her chest. She stormed out of the resteraunt leaving me more frustrated as ever.

I had to do something to get her to trust me again.

Or atleast not hate me.



*Caroline's P.O.V*

"So how did it go?" Andie inquired flipping through some files at her desk. I spun my chair to meet her gaze and I gave her a 'you don't want to know' look. "Was it really that bad?"

"You have no idea," I mumbled through gritted teeth.

"Why did you go out with this man whore in the first place?"

"Believe me, I keep asking myself the same thing." I groaned getting up from my seated position. When I rose I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out seeing Andie dissipate from the room probably tending a customers needs.

From: The Niall River

Look, I'm sorry. Can we talk this out? If you want to talk let me know. Coffee after work? I'm free all afternoon. Seriously, let me know.

I groaned seeing the words plastered on my phone screen. This boy was more desperate than a toddler and his icecream. I darted my vision to the top of my phone screen reading the time.


I had until 4 to finish my shift then I was free for the evening. I guess if it was going to get Niall out of my life for one little chat it could be worth it. After all, he did promise one date then his dissapearance. Apparently this boy doesn't keep promises.

Not that I wasn't already aware of that.

To: The Niall River

Fine. I'll meet you at Dunkin at 4:30. I'm changing your contact name by the way.

I stuffed my phone into my coat pocket and joined Andie at the counter. I was interupted yet again by the annoying buzzing of my cellphone.

From: That Asshole

What ever helps you sleep at night, love x

I liked that contact name better. It suited him.


"I was starting to think you weren't going to show up," Niall breathed out standing up from the circular window table.

"Window shopping seemed a bit more interesting at the time," I shrugged. "Sorry," I gave him a convincing yet sarcastic smile and sat across from him. I swung my purse over the edge and folded my hands on the table.

He sipped his coffee darting his blue eyes back between me and the murky drink.

"So, you needed to talk?"

"What's it going to take for you to forgive me?"

"What's it going to take for you to stop asking me that?" I replied in the same tone.

"That's impossible, my dear. See I possess this undying love for you that can't be relieved unless you end my life of course." He recited in an old british tone. His irish voice peeking out in spots.

"With pleasure," I smirked.

"I see your sense of humour hasn't left," He chuckled taking another sip of his drink.

"I see your's hasn't arrived," I shot back. He cocked his eyebrow running his hands through his hair. "Did you hair get longer? It seems a bit shaggy," I cooed.

"Are we going to learn to get along or-"

"I pick or," I interupted.

He set his drink on the napkin and leaned forward whispering, "I don't think you realize how much I want you right now."

"Oh please," I scoffed turning to the side. "Go fuck yourself."

"Not like that," He immitated an imature 7 year old whisping his arms around. "I meant, how badly I want your love again. How badly I want to be the reason for your smile. How badly after all these years I missed not anyone but you."

I rolled my eyes, "You're a little late, bucko"

"Stop saying that! Don't you aways hear its better late than never? Well this is our chance. This is our once in a life time chance. You can't miss it."

"I think I can. Niall you promised me one date and then you would be gone. I gave you your promise and now you have to fulfill the second part."

"But its not that easy, Caroline." He whispered in such a hurt voice. I don't know why but they were slowly tugging on my heart strings.

Did I actually feel bad for him? No I couldn't. He gave me to much crap to feel bad for him on anything. He put me through to much. This boy doesn't trust a word I say why should I for him? So I did the sensible thing any woman would do. I stood up and looked him in the eye.

"I never said it was going to be easy, Niall. I said it was going to be possible and possible is all that matters to me. Both you & I had a past but that's all it ever will be. The past. We will both be better off without eachother, your career, mine. Our familes, our futures. They don't intertwine. So please, stop living in the past and move on." I inhaled deeply and turned around getting ready to walk out. "Have a good life, Niall."

And that was it. I walked out of that restraunt so fast I felt like I was going too lose a heel. I didn't know why tears were streaming so rapidly down my face, I couldn't feel bad for him. What we had was gone, long gone. I didn't love him, I couldn't.

I guess it was just a soft spot for the first person I truly loved. A soft spot that would be relieved some day.

Without him.

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