Chapter 43

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*Caroline's P.O.V*

"Are you ready to meet my family?" I quizzed getting off of the plane. I walked down the stairs lugging the extra luggage as Niall gripped my hand tightly.

"As ready as I can be," He mumbled. I could tell he was nervous. When we got to the lobby of the air port I dropped my things and placed my hand on his cheek, "You don't have to be nervous, babe." I gently stroked his cheek placing a kiss onto his lips. I felt him smile into it whispering back, "I know, I just want them to like me."

"How can they not?" I said louder. Niall locked his arms around my back and our chest were pinned together. I smiled up to him but he looked past my head and his smile dropped.

"W-what?" He let go as I turned around seeing my Dad having a blank stare on his face. My brother was chuckling at his phone, probably angry birds and my mother was grinning real big. I ran into my Mom's arms embracing her tightly, then my fathers.

"I missed you, Kid." He whispered pecking my cheek. I turned around reaching my hand out for Niall. He was awkwardly watching me have a reunion with my family.

"Dad, this is Niall. Niall this is Dad."

"Sir," He said shaking his hand.

"Oh, Niall its so nice to finally meet you! We've heard loads about you in Caroline's text messages and emails!" My Mom tightly hugged him making him choke a bit.

"Sorry, She's a hugger." I chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my mid waist again.

"Hun, introduce your brother!" My Mom snapped pointing over towards Derek.

"This is Derek, my brother." I almost threw up in my mouth just saying that. You could say he was embarissing.

"Cool shirt," Niall said looking at Derek's C.O.D graphic T. I chuckled at Niall's atempt at bonding with my family and Derek actually gave him a smile.

He never smiles at me.

We walked silently to the car, Niall was less tense then he had been during our arrival. When we got into my Mom's mini van Niall & I sat in the back while Derek took the middle. My Mom started blasting one direction seeing it as the CD I always kept in the car. My cheeks turned bright red & Niall chuckled next to me.

"Oh, Niall! Are you from that band that my daughter loves?" My mom gushed.

"Mom, shut up." I spat through gritted teeth.

"Its fine, don't be embarissed, love." He whispered into my ear. I shot him daggers jabbing him in the stomach.

"Yes, I am Mrs. Goddard." He responded still recovering from my jab.

"Oh, Hun. That's to formal. Call me Sheryl!"

"Okay, Sheryl." He responded.

I leaned against his arm and he snaked his around my waist as we waited in the car. He hummed to 'They don't know about us' on the radio while my parents discussed something about dinner plans.

*Niall's P.O.V*

When we arrived at there house, it was small. Very small actually. Nothing I was used to. I got out of the car holding onto Caroline protectively. When we got into the house the kitchen laid right to the right & the living room on the opposite side. It was nicely decorated, candles sat on the window sills and lots of opened windows. They had an old TV with a router sitting in the corner with brown couches surrounding it. Her brother on cue dissapeared up the stairs and Caroline announced that we were going to unpack in her room.

"This is my room," She opened the door leading to a very very pink bed room. The bed was white with pink writing with an infinity sign on it saying 'Infinite Love'

"Well," I chuckled trying to stifle my laugh. "This is interesting." She sat on her bed a few springs making a sound. She had one direction posters climbing her closet and her bathroom was off on the side next to a wooden desk that occupied even more one direction posters.

"Stop," She whined "I forgot to clean up before I left."

"You didn't tell me you were this obsessed." I scanned the surroundings looking out the window. Just a street lined by homes and children playing. It was a very quiet town compared to Ireland.

"I'm not, I swear! My friend Emma is & thats all she used to get me for my birthday. One direction merchandise." She admitted. Her cheeks were tinted pink and she tried to hide it with her hands.

"Oh come on, there's no need to be embarissed." I walked over to her closet and she tried to stop me standing infront of the poster infested surface.

"It can't be that bad,"

"Oh trust me it is," She nodded fixating her vision closely at me.

"Fine, Fine." I walked a little bt away & as did she. That was when I took a run for the closet opening it up. A pile of one direction pillows, blankets, and even a huge cut out poster of Harry laid inside. The poster made me trip falling into the heap of contents.

I landed ontop of the Harry cutout, making it slice in half. I stared at the big head of Harry glaring back at me as Caroline muttered 'oh no's' to herself.

"I didn't know you we're a Harry girl," I smirked still sitting in the throw up of band members.

"I was. But I guess now I'm a Niall girl," She grinned sitting on the pillow in the closet next to me.

"Sorry bout your cut out," I chuckled leaning closer and lingering on her lips.

"Its fine, now I have the real thing," She whispered back before pressing our lips together.

After atleast 30 minutes of kissing in her closet I heard a knock on her door making us both jump.

"I should get that," She whispered fixing her clothing and messed up hair.

"You're father wants to talk to you and Niall in the living room," I heard Caroline's mother say.

"We'll be right down," She said before shutting the door behind her.

"We should probably go. My Dad wants to formally meet you." I nodded already feeling butterflies form in my stomach.

I was really, really nervous.

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