Chapter 11

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"I'm off to the beach," I called down the hall carrying my board Niall had boughten me not long ago. Steve appeared from the door way and walked closer towards me. He got closer towards my face and a scent of alcohol reached my nose. The smells of intoxication reaked throughout my body. My brother was a drinker and attended bars daily whenever he returned home sober I was more than happy. But when he was hung over the smells overflowed my whole house. My parents couldn't stop him, one because he never did any physical harm, he always had a designated driver and two because he was 24 and they honestly couldn't tell him what to do anymore even if he did live underneath their roof.

"Who you going with." He slurred lifting the drink near his temple. The drips of vodka fell off the edges of the clear glass. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he had been up all night. He definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was not going to give him my graditude of time, especially not kindness when he was getting in my face rudely and innapropriately.

"None of your bussiness. Thank you." I tried to scoot past him but he locked his hand around my wrist.

"Its my right to know, Caroline." He slithered his tongue out covering his lips with liquid from his mouth.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," I rolled my eyes yanking my arm away from his grasp. He seemed angry yet confused so he didn't hunt me down any longer.

"Weird," I mumbled walking towards the garage. I walked across the street and down the lot of the sandy area looking for a spot to park my things.

*Niall's P.O.V*

The next morning I woke up with the buzzing of my phone startling my body with a jolt. I usually slept in not being a morning person and all but the boys did the same so usually it didn't cause predicaments except for my Mum. I checked the time, it was almost 12 o clock. I then answered my phone hearing a familar boys voice.

"Hey Haz." I mumbled wiping the sleep out of my eyes. The sunlight was making it worse for me to focus on anything besides the voice of my band mate.

"Wanna head to the beach today? It is our last day of summer." I groaned remembering today was my last day to sleep in. Tomorrow morning my Mum would be dropping me off at a familar boarding school that I attended all year. I actually detested going to school, they had a strict 'no smoking' policy and that was difficult for me to maintain at times. I could say I was one of the semi populars at the school, considerable because of my fame and all but school itself was a peice of shit. I was always bored out of my mind, and sleeping with a roomate I usually didn't know anything about didn't accompany my liking either.

"Sure, why not. Pick me up in 20?"

"Sure, see you."

"Bye." I hung up and got up from my comfortable haven. Slipping my boxers down to my ankle and hopping in the shower the cold water woke me right up. I heard my mum yell, 'Going out with some friends be back later tonight!' I groaned and finished showering. Now, I loved my mother but honestly, she was never home. Ever, my Dad abandoned us a long time ago and my Mum never remarried. It gets kind of lonely around here not having another man but she always lets me have the boys over. When she is around she's either working, or drinking with her friends. Luckily, she knows how to control herself. I've never had to deal with any of that abusive/acoholic parent case.

When I retreated from the shower warm air from my open window automatically dried my body. Little droplets of water still ran down my legs dropping to the tile floor. I pulled my swim trunks and a saggy tank top over my body. I ran my fingers through my blond hair making it look less bed head like and headed downstairs. I ate some already made toast and orange juice and strared out the window concentrating on the empty drive way waiting for Harry's arrival.

When he came the rest of the boys were tossing different items a eachother in the back of the car. Lou was screaming something unknown to me, and Liam was trying to shut them up. Typical boys. Harry gave me a wave as I got into the van, front seat. Thank god. We pulled away from my house and headed towards the beach.


Sorry it was kind of short guys. I wanted to put some new stuff adding like drama and what not. Comment and Vote, tell me how I can improve it. What do you guys think is going to happen next?~Mere

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