Chapter 6

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After dinner Niall walked next to me holding his pockets down with his hands pushed into them. I walked next to him swinging my hands back and forth. He seemed less confident still, whether it was because he had friends to impress, or a girl to make jealous who knows. We arrived at the surf shop and Niall politley opened and held the door for me.

"Thanks," I smiled walking into the room. The hot hair lifted and cool air came through the room. Fans blasting in every corner and a guy behind the counter was propped up reading some magazine. Long hair, and a beard covered the older man. Niall cleared his throat as we walked in and he jumped throwing the magazine behind him.

"O-h hello. How can I help you?" He sat back up trying to be as polite as possible, his image sort of ruining his atempt.

"I'm looking for the nicest board you got." Niall said leaning his elbow on the counter tipping his hat up to wipe off some sweat that had perspirated from the hot weather.

"N-no Niall you don't need to do that." He hushed me and mouthed 'I want to'. I shrugged not fighting with his gesture. Overall, he was a famous popstar he could get whatever he wanted. I was always reminded of it too. Girls following him, on our way here he had to stop to sign autographs and take pictures more times than I can remember.

"We have this white one right ere' shes a beaut'." The guy slured lifting the medium sized board off the wall. It was freshley painted with blue outlines of waves on the sides. It was really pretty, and I could tell it would fit perfectly for me. Niall turned to me asking for my approval and I nodded grinning like an idiot.

"Have a nice night." The cashier rung up the board and helped us load it into his mums car. She was driving home and promised she would bring me home as well. A very nice lady, actually. We sat in the car in silence and Nialls hand crept near mine. I saw it coming and I sowly nudged it away. Yeah, maybe I'm acting stupid for playing hard to get. But it makes the game of dating much more exciting.

"Playing hard-to-get I see." Niall whispered in my ear nibbling on my earlobe as he backed off. I rolled my eyes at his stupid, yet cheeky remarks. He seemed content the whole ride until I got home. It was later then I expected now, about 12 o clock'. Niall ran across the car and opened my door helping me out.

"I got it," I said jumping out on my own. He backed off sarcastically and walked next to me stuffing his hands in his pocket again. When I got to the front of the garage Niall stopped and kissed my cheek.

"I had a fun night, can I see you again?"

"We'll see." I shrugged. He chuckled dipping his head down fixing his snapback on the top of his temple.

"Goodnight, Caroline."

"Sleep tight, Niall." I repeated shutting the door behind me. I heard him say something to his mom as he got into the car and I stopped at the back of the door. My back slid down until I was hugging my knees in fetal position with my back to the door. My breathing was hard after what happened. It was hard to contain it all.

I really met One Direction's Niall Horan, and he really tried to hold my hand.

*Niall's P.O.V*

After that night I realized I could be nervous in front of girls. I was EXTREMLEY anxious with Caroline. Not one of those bad anxiety attacks you get before a test or presentation; but butterflies. Butterflies that make me crave every word she says. I've had loads of girlfriends before, kissed many girls as well. So its not like I'm unexprienced or anything but she makes me feel like I've gotten past gravity.

When I got home I helped my Mum bring in some grocery's from the car and left them on the counter.

"Louis called." My Mum said looking at the phone messages. I nodded jogging up the stairs to my room. When I entered it was dark and I heard nothing but the beeping of my radio. I changed out of my clothing and stayed in my boxers getting right into my bed. I didn't bother texting Louis because it was probably something about a rehersal. I didn't really want to worry about that right now.

All I wanted to worry about was getting Caroline to notice me.

*Caroline's P.O.V*

"Morning, Darling." My Aunt said kissing my forehead and lifting up the news paper. Maggie was playing with her food on her dish and making train sounds as she placed it on her tongue. I sipped my orange juice and played around with the bacon on my plate.

"Hungy, Caroline?" My Aunt chuckled at my distaste.

"Not really, may I be excused? I'm meeting a friend at the mall."

"Sure sweetie, do you mind babysitting Maggie tonight? Steve and I are going out for our anniversary."

"Oh sure, happy anniversary by the way."

"Oh Caroline, it was ages ago he's just so busy with work we never got to celebrating it." I nodded and brought my plate to the sink to wash it off. Afterwards, I ran upstairs to get ready. I hadn't really made any plans but I was going to see if El wanted to hang out. It was so weird to think that I actually had her number and I could actually start being friends with her.

I grabbed my phone off of my side table and searched through my phone for her number.

'Hey, El. You busy today?" I scrolled through my twitter looking at one direction updates until she texted back. One tweet said 'Spotted, Niall and his new girlfriend' I clicked on the link and saw a picture of me and Niall eating at the bakery. I went back to my twitter and noticed I gained over 5,000 followers.

'GURL, YOU'VE GONE VIRAL.' Emma texted me not long after my realization.


'HATE YOU, HATE YOU! Ugh, Caroline I miss you. Skype me tonight!' Before I was going to respond I noticed El texted me back, 'Sure! Wanna go to the mall?'

'Thats exactly what I was thinking, I'll pick you up? xx' She said 'okay' back within a minute and I told Emma I had to go. I felt bad I wasn't giving her any attention but this was my new life now, its not like she doesn't have any other friends.

I changed into light washed skinny jeans, and a white blouse and grabbed my turqoise converse. I grabbed my aunts keys after she told me I could use them and headed towards the car. It was a blue mini van so I was kind of embarrissed to be seen in it.

Oh well.

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