Chapter 20

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*Caroline P.O.V*

I always loved christmas, all the pretty lights, christmas trees, mistle toe. It was all so pretty, it was especially nice to spend it with someone you really love to be around. Niall to be exact. We had been dating for almost a month and its been going a lot better than expected. Christmas break starts today and my Aunt is coming to pick Niall & I up from our dorms. I was bringing Niall home to meet Maggie, my Aunt, and of course the dreaded Steve. He kind of laid off of my grades after I pulled it up with Eleanor's help. She's a life saver, I couldn't imagine what he would do to me if I hadn't.

It was kind of upsetting that I wouldn't be able to spend christmas doing my usual traditions with my family back in the U.S. but it was going to be just a great with Niall around. He's such a goof but so romantic at the same time. I regret ever thinking differently about him; he's truly amazing. Obviously, my damn self esteem has ruined my chanced of opening up to him. I was hoping to do it on New Years Eve. You know, cliche and all but still just as romantic. The whole 'write will you be my gf' in the snow was just as cliche. Hate to say it, but we are one of those cliche couples.

We held hands everywhere, he was always holding me in his arms. I thought it was cute how he never wanted to let go. We loved being together, whats wrong with that? More importantly, our trust was phenominal. We told eachother everything, we would stay up for hours talking about the most useless things. I couldn't wait for my Aunt to meet him, she would love him. She kept calling me telling me how much she wanted to meet my 'man-friend'. I laughed even harder every time she said that.

Of course my last class had to be math, I loved being with Niall but the teacher was horrid. Ever since our little note incident she hasn't liked me one bit. Even when I got several 100's on the tests she just gave me a little 'good job' or 'I see you're finally paying attention, Ms. Goddard'. I would give her little sneers, or smirks telling her how oh so much I appreciated her gratitude.


"Niall, I don't understand this." I whined clinging on to his arm trying to get him to pull away his stare from the book. I hate to say it, but underneath the cover story of the smoking Niall he was a complete geek. He knew everything, was always glued to his work and he never missed a homework assignment. I don't know how he did it, especially during all these busy times on top of his band.

"Jus find the square root of the exponent."

"What?" I asked quizically looking down at my paper. It all looked like foreign words to me.

"Here let me show you," He leaned down his beath lingering near my kneck. He started writing 'X' and 'Y' on the paper and I knipped at his neck and squeezed his thigh distracting him. The teacher was working on grading something so she didn't notice.

"Caroline, please stop." Niall let out an earthy groan as I skipped past his thigh.

"Please, your distracting me."

"Thats the goal."

"Do you want to pass or not?"

"Can't you tutour me when we get back?" I pouted slamming my pencil on the desk. He let out a deep sigh leaning back towards his desk.

"Fine. You're to adorable." He let out a light smile trying to make sure I didn't notice.

"I know," I joked.

Finally the bell. I let out a sigh of relief as everyone got up packing up their bags. Niall locked our fingers together as we walked down the hall to start getting packed.

"Hey love birds." Louis chimed.

"Hey Lou." I smiled.

"Someone's happy."

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