Chapter 50

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*Caroline's P.O.V*

"I'm off for the day," I hollered into the midst of the back area. Whilst Andie was picking at her nails spinning in circles in her swivel chair. "See you," I motioned a hand wave towards her and she gave me a big grin back. I hung my white lab coat onto the back of my seat and grabbed my car keys. Opening up the counter top to go into the store section I made it out into the parking lot. It was rediculously sunny so I shuffled through my purse and pulled out my ray bans. It wasn't every day that it was this sunny during the winter months.

I tugged on my denim jacket securing it around my body scanning the parking lot for my car. I looked down trying to avoid the sunlight hitting my vision. I hadn't realized how clumsy I was being until I slid on some ice right before my car clattering my purse and my bum onto the ground.

"Bloody Hell," I cursed trying to get myself back up with out slipping and sliding again.

"Are you alright?" I heard a irish voice call from the agacent side of the lot. I ran my fingers through my hair pulling it out of my face and pulled myself off of the ground. I dusted my hands over my leggings getting the acsess dirt off. "You took a nasty spill," He chuckled.

"Thanks," I mumbled putting my hood on. I retreaved my things from his hands then stopping at his shoes. My vision darted to my car than up to his face. "You have got to be fucking me," I muttered.

"Excuse me?" He coughed. I looked up at him revealing my whole face. I tilted my sunglasses giving him an awkward smile. "Well doesn't this just seem like some cliche movie," He chuckled crossing his arms across his chest.

"Mhm." I simply mumbled slipping past him. I opened up the car door and tossed my things into it.

"So are we just not going to talk?" He stepped a bit closer to me, I was still disagreeing to face him.

"I think that sounds just grand,"

"What on earth are you doing here, Caroline?" he whispered. Hurt filled his voice now, I could sense him swallowing down tears.

Its been so long, too long.

"Working as a pharmasist, trying to earn some money like everyone else in this world." I turned to face him leaving the car door in between us.

"I mean in london." He stated matter-of-factly.

"The weathers better," I shrugged.

"I thought you missed California's weath-" He caught himself before finishing the sentence. I cocked my eyebrow.

"Stalking my twitter are you?" I inquired confidently

"Its called a newsfeed,"

"Well this chat has been wonderful but I've got things to do and people to see so ta-ta." I flicked my wrist and strayed to the other side of my car. He stood in the same position like a lost puppy. I leaned to the shot gun's window and rolled it down, whipping wind coming into my heated car. "If you really wanted to talk you would have done this years ago." I stated before pulling out of the lot.

I didn't feel bad for leaving him here. He diserved everything coming his way, I did too. I'm over it, as should he. Its a two-way kind of thing. I did my part, now he has to do his.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"She just slipped and you saw her?" Harry inquired trying to stifle his laugh.

"Yeah, just like that. I never thought I would see her again," I tipped my laptop a bit down to get a better view of Harry on the screen. We had been videochatting for about an hour now. Lea would probably be pulling Harry out of the room any minute.

"And? Are you too meeting up?"

I scoffed, "Man, she hates me. Hates me more than you hate roller coasters."

"Wow, your screwed." Harry looked wide eyed at me suddenly getting serious. "Anyways, now on my life. Guess what I'm doing tonight."

"Eating a hot dog?"

"You're cute," He stated sarcastically. "I'm proposing to Lea." He fiddled with his fingers slightly smiling down at them.

"Sheesh, you look like someone who just had there first kiss. But I'm really happy for you, man. She really is a keeper." I gave him a weak smile.

"Don't worry, Ni. Don't give up just yet." He gave me a hopeful smile. I nodded.

*Caroline's P.O.V*

Right when I got home that evening it was time to relax. I hadn't gotten a moment to myself in who know's how long. I stripped from my work clothes padding into the bathroom. I let the hot water run into the bathtub and I added some soap to form bubbles. While it warmed up I went onto my Iphone heading right to twitter. First thing in my newsfeed was a tweet from Niall.

'I guess my parents were right, never say never.'

Updated 7:09 PM December 17th

It had over 2,000 retweets and tons of favorites. I rolled my eyes seeing it was most likely about him encountering me suddenly. This boy has more drama than a teenage girl on her period. I created a tweet typing it quickly and pressed send.

'Guess what they say is true, this Niall kid is really a JB fan.'

Updated 7:45 PM December 17th

I put my Iphone down turning on some little mix and slowly eased myself into the tub. The warm watter overwhelmed me calming my equanmitity automatically. I bobbed my head underwater ignoring the harsh sounds of one direction blasting out of my phone.


"One Direction's band member Niall Horan and his ex Caroline Goddard getting back together? They were spotted outside a local CVS market in London earlier this afternoon. Are they the new item of 2013?" I rolled my eyes groaning switching the channel it was gaining on 12:00 at night and all I wanted to do was watch something good, something not related to stupid boy bands.

I gave up on my atempt spilling out the rest of my tea. I walked down the hall of my apartment and sifted into my bedroom. I picked up my phone seeing someone tweeted me back. I got underneath the sheets of my bed and turned on my phone.

'@CarCarGoddard Kid? Last time I checked I'm older than you.'

Updated 11:56 PM December17th

My eyes bulged seeing he wanted to do this, he really wanted to get in a fight over twitter. Well I wasn't going to say no to that.

Let's teach this boy a lesson.

'@officialNiallHoran Oops sorry, forgot about the day your mom's condom broke.'

Updated 12:34 AM December 18th

'@CarCarGoddard What ever helps you sleep at night'

Updated 12:36 AM December 18th

'@officialNiallHoran Actually, its doing the opposite. I'm waisting precious sleep time on someone unworthy. Sleep tight, lover boy.'

Updated 12:45 AM December 18th

I could just see it now, steam was probably bursting from his ears.

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