Chapter 33

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*Caroline's P.O.V*

"Hey, Car." Jack greeted me warmly with a side hug wrapping his arm around my torso. We had changed plans instead of going for a dreaded run(it was my idea) we decided to go for a nice, leasurley walk on the beach. My kind of day.

"Hi Jack." I smiled standing close to him. We walked down the stairway towards the sandy entrance to the beach. It wasn't as busy as the late summer when everyone was vacationing and coming with families. There were a few scattered towels and surfers occupying the land.

"How are you?" He politley asked as we made our way across the sand. I discarded my sandals not long after my feet entered the deep sand. It was warmer on my toes and it seeped between the little creeces. It felt nice and I missed the feeling of the beach. It was like my second home.

"Great, and you?"

"I've been better." He shrugged.

"Aww, whats wrong, Jacky?" I always called him that because it bothered him. I loved when he got embarissed. I would squeeze the little baby fat occupying his cheeks and he would give me a cheesy grin.

"Didn't do to hot on my accuplacer so now I'm going to be in shitty classes next year." He slouched his shoulders pulling away from my waist. He was going to be a sophmore in college next year; I was going to be a freshmen. Still haven't really decided what I wanted to be or where I wanted to attend. I was thinking something to do with writing but I never really had time to outcome that background of expertise. I was so undecided. Jack majored in architectular design and minored in math & technology. I thought it was so cool how he wanted to be one of those builder guys. I could imagine him being in those worker boots, the ripped tank tops, and light jeans.

Not that I liked it.

I could start calling him 'Jack the builder' like Bob the builder.

"I'm sorry, can you like retake it?"

"Not unless I study my ass off a second time."

"Hey," I nudged him. "I can help you!"

"A freshie helping me? Nah." He chuckled. I playfully punched him nearing towards the waters edge.

"I'm serious, I could tutor you and stuff."

"Hmm." He put his hand on his chin rubbing the non-exsistent facial hair."I'll think about it."

"Okay," I smiled dipping my foot into the water. The sun was just setting now so it looked really pretty. Jack followed right behind me leading his steps behind my ankles. I seeped my feet into the sand molding tiny holes. They dissapeared as the water rushed over the tiny pebbles.

"So.. ." He trailed off. "Are you going to your senior prom?" He quizzed.

"I don't know."

"Why not?" He walked next to me furrowing his brows.

"Haven't been asked." I nonchallantly shrugged.

"You mean Niell didn't ask you?"

"Niall" I corrected. "And  no, he hasn't."

"His loss, any guy would be lucky to bring you to prom." I blushed smiling up towards him. He was grinning too."

"Thanks." I giggled.

"Hey, only saying the truth." He chuckled.

I continued a bit deeper in the water going to knee length.

"Want to play a game?" He suggested lifting some water into his hand.


"Okay, we're going to play never have I ever. But instead of saying never you go deeper in the water if you haven't. If you have you back up. First one either over their head or on the beach entirely wins."

"I don't think getting drenched is really winning.." I groaned.

"Well, winner has to carry the loser back to the car."

"You're like 100 lbs more then me though!" I complained splashing him a bit.

"This will be an interesting game then." He grinned.

I finally agreed worrying I would have to hang with Niall drenched to the bone. Jack started thinking of something when I came up with something.

"Never have I ever smoked."Jack stepped forward. I cocked my eyebrows interested that he had never.

"Never have I ever had sex." That was an eyebrow cocker too. Jack, a super attractive college student was a virigin? I stepped back.

"Never have I ever dumped my boyfriend." He tired to stifle a laugh and he stepped back again. I gave him a glare. I was aboud mid thigh deep now and I was trying to hike up the shorts I had on.

"Never have I ever gotten an F in a class." I stepped forward. My shorts were getting wet now.

By the end of the game Jack was moving back and forth from the shore to ankle length while I was up to my neck, soaked.

"You win," Jack chuckled as I twisted my damp clothing. I rung it out giving him death stares. You could see right through my white blouse which I'm sure he was enjoying.

"Carry me, lover boy." I reached my arms out towards him motioning him to pick me up. He let out another chuckle and effortlessly lifted my feet off of the ground. He held me bride-style as he made his way back towards my car.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"Dude, why are you pacing?" Harry held my shoulder blades getting me to stop moving back and forth in my room. I was so nervous, more nervous then ever. I had the whole thing planned to ask Caroline to prom. It took me a good half of my math class but I finally did it. I was more nervous then ever. For another thing to compensate for my loving side for that boy Jack she was with him.

I seriously need to trust her though, she's my girlfriend & she trusts me so why shouldn't I trust her?

"I'm asking Caroline to prom within minutes," I pushed out still pacing the room.

"I'm sorry but you look like someone with post-stress disorder. Do you really think she's going to say no?" Harry stated.

"Who knows, she's with that Jack boy right now too." I groaned.

"Ouch, and you let her?"

"Why not? They're just friends." I tried to shrug but it more came off as a dance move. A bad one at that.

"Mate, sit down." I obeyed and sat next to him on the bed. He crossed his legs like he was my therapist and layed his head on his palm leaning his elbow on his knee. "The woman species'...they're undeniable. Whenever the find someone good lookin' BAM they snap the trap. You get what I'm saying?" I furrowed my eye brows, and cocked my head.

"No, I don't think anyone does most of the time."

"Why do you think she spends so much time with him?"

"No, she wouldn't do that."

"She's a woman, mate. A Wo-man. She woe's man every chance she gets. It what they do."

"They're friends." I harshly corrected. He backed off a bit standing up from the bed. It shook a little and I tried to calm myself down.

"Okay, mate. Don't say I didn't warn ya'" He twisted on his heel and went out the door to who knows where.

I just hope this whole prom thing would go okay.

More importantly that the Jack thing would blow over.

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