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*Caroline's P.O.V*

"Caroline the door is calling," Niall hollered from the living area. He sipped his lemonade ever so often flipping through the channels nonchallantly. It was a bland sunday afternoon, nothing good on the tele besides golf & the news. I had just finished a load of laundrey. Hauling it up the stairs was going to be the largest predicament. See, when your debating with you husband about moving into a retirement type village there has to be some problem with your back. Or maybe your hip.

I throw that out a lot to.

Hey, a 60 year old has her issues.

"I'm coming. I'm coming," I breathed out walking past him. He stirred lighlty shifting his body a different direction on the sofa. He was watching something about a reunion tour that had occured with his bandmates not to long ago. Well, when they were in their 40's and still able to do those insane jumps. They were doing interviews with their wives and talking about the children. We hadn't visited them as much considering we were all busy. Harry & Lea were happily married with 2 kids, as well as Liam & Danielle. Louis & Eleanor had an only child while Zayn & Perrie had another 2. They were all such sweet people.

I walked over towards the door placing my hand on the cold white paint plastered on the door frame. I glanced into the magnifying hole through the door studying the person outside. I quickly snapped it open seeing the arrival pulling them into a bone crushing hug.

"Hey, Mum." Becca whispered snaking her arms around my neck as well. I felt two little ones grasp onto my lower calfs squealing 'grandma's' at me.

"How are you?" I cooed grinning wildly picking Natalie up and placing her on my hip. I pecked her forehead crailding her.

"We're good. How are you & Dad?"

"Surviving," I chuckled walking in with Natalie. I placed her onto Niall's lap who let out an earthy grunt seeing weight had just encountered him. He turned the little kid around so she was straddling him and he placed his hand on her cheek. She puffed up her cheeks like a blow fish then nuzzling her head into the nape of his neck. Becca put her arm around my waist watching as the two bonded.

"You did good," I retorted nodding at Becca. I led her into the kitchen laying out more glasses of lemonade for her. I sat agacent to her crossing my hands.

"You have no clue how much I've missed you," I sighed leaning onto the palm of my hand.

"You too, Mum. Natalie's always nagging on how she misses grammie & grampie." I let out an exasperated laugh not able to stop smiling.

"How is he?" I inquired.

"Getting better," Becca gave me a weak smile. She still looked like the 23 year old girl I had last seen. It had been several years since she had last visited. Becca being our only child it got lonely without her. After she left for college she was married to an architect. They met studying abroad and were soon having children of their own. Natalie was born almost 5 years ago, soon after her husband was diagnosed with a severe case of leukimia. Niall & I tried as much as possible to help when we could but being older and surrounded by an anthestetic home where doctors warned you for any possibilty of sickness made it a difficulty to visit.

"& Natalie?"

"Just started kintergarden. I could see how it would be hard for a 5 year old to miss out on seeing her father ever so often but she's coping. She's what get's me through the day."

"I know the feeling," I sighed. Becca was silent fiddling with her finger nails until she glanced up.

"Mum, Greg & I were talking about moving back to England. For family's sake. I know it's a big move and all but I know it'll be worth it. They have great medical facilities here, maybe Greg would have a better chance of recovery. . you know. With family." She folded her hands together looking at me hopeful. A smile curved on my lips. I rose from the table bringing Becca into another bone crushing embrace.

"My baby girl's coming home." A tear rolled down my cheek but a smile didn't leave my face. "My baby girl is coming home." I repeated again rocking Becca gently in my arms. It felt like we were back when Becca was just a baby. How Niall & I would take turns crailding her during her tantrums. All the tears. Nothing's changed, she's just matured.

"We have to tell Niall!" I cooed.

"How about you do it tonight? Natalie & I have a flight back to Houston tonight. I know we should have come sooner but I had some other business to catch up on," She suggested unfolding our entwined bodies.

I cocked my eye brow curiously.

"House hunting," She clarified.

"Well, I'll tell him tonight & then I'll call you and tell you his reaction."

"That sounds great, I love you Mum."

"I love you more, sweetie."


"Hey sweat heart," Niall beamed sitting next to me on the rocking deck furniture. It dipped a bit as his weight was added  but it didn't take long to get comfortable after he draped his arm over my shoulder. He pressed a kiss to my temple swinging silently.

"Niall I have some news," I stated unwrapping myself from him.

"Hm?" He inquired turning towards me. He studied my countenance intently.

"Becca, Greg, and Natalie are coming back to England." Niall's expression brightened up like he couldn't believe it. It had been so long since we've gotten longer than 3 hours with her.

"They we're visiting to house hunt. I'm not sure when they're moving but they certaintly are."

"I-I don't know what to say," Niall said. "That's incredible!"

He wrapped his arms around my body, I took in his scent. It was still the same then what it had been when I had first met him. The smell of air freshener and mint. His blonde hair had died away, grey taking it's place but he was just had handsome to me. Our family was finally coming back together after all this time. I thought back as I was in his arms all the difficult times we had been through without eachother. But now we were together.

It was like a fairy tale. Warm summer nights swinging on deck chairs sipping lemonade with your soul mate. It's those cliche things you only find in movie's or cheesy love books. But it had come to life. Niall pulled back pecking my nose then pressing a warm kiss to my mouth.

"I love you, Caroline." He whispered. "And we are finally getting our happy ever after,"

"And I love you, Niall." I pressed another kiss to his lips. "My dumb blonde irish boy."

And we stayed there, only together. Because that's all we needed. All the secrets were revealed and uncovered. We were going to be together.

He was right.

We all lived happily ever after.



I'm goinngg to post a picture of Natalie & Becca on the side.





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