Chapter 8

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"Bye, El." I waved through the car door window as she disapeared into her apartment complex. It was pretty nice I would say. She lived with her Dad now a days, she would always talk about how much she missed her Mum and that she wanted her to come back. She apparently worked for some huge corporation in the U.S. I felt bad for her, but here I didn't have any family. I hadn't really been talking to my family; not that I wanted to keep in touch with them every waken hour of the day. I would call my parents before I went to bed some nights. I've only been here for about 4 days, and I only have like 2 more here at my aunts house. Then I have to go back to school. It sucks that its a boarding school, I honestly don't even know who my roomate is.

I drove home silently tapping a beat onto the wheel from the 'One Direction' song playing in my radio. My palms were getting tired after a while and I stopped. When I pulled into the garage my Aunt and her husband were just leaving. Steve gave me a grin and looked back in the car mirror fixing his hair. What grown man does that? My Aunt leaned her head outside the car window,

"Maggie is taking a nap, you can cook her dinner at around 6. She loves pasta, and she loves disney movies as well. Make sure she's in bed with brushed teeth by 8:00. No later, and-"

"Honey, she'll do fine. We'll be back by 11." I giggled at my Aunts over-protectiveness and Steve gave me another grin.

"Alright, bye Caroline. Have a good night."

"You too." I waved as they pulled out of the driveway and I pulled my purse out of the front seat. When I got through the door Maggie swung her arms around my legs restraining me from moving farther.

"I thought you were napping, Mags!" I giggled trying to pry her off of me.

"I'm not tired. Can we play a game?" She asked jumping up and down, her gold locks moving with her.

"Sure," I picked her up sliding her bum on my hip she was really small for a first grader so I acomplished it with no dificulty.


"Maggie, dinner's ready." I called from the kitchen she must of been watching some disney show in the living room. She always did that pretending her dolls were the characters and immitating their voices. From my point of veiw it was pretty adorable.A little blonde 6 year old came running into the kitchen and hopped on the cutioned seat.

"Can we eat in the living room?" She pleaded picking at her pasta with the utensel.

"Do you usually eat in the living room?" I asked sitting next to her.

"No..." She pouted.

"Fine. just this one time." I grabbed her by the waist lifting her out of the seat. She squeeled in excitement and plopped on the floor. I put her plate between her legs and she began chewing her food and getting entranced in the show.I decided to watch a little bit and allow Maggie to crawl in between my legs. After a half hour or so the door bell rang and Maggie was half asleep. I quietly tried to lift her off of me by placing her on the couch so her head was supported by a pillow.

I jogged to the door and peeked through the window. A familiar blonde stood turned around looking like he was about to make a run for it. I quickly opened the door, "Hi, Niall." I smiled stepping out onto the padio.

"Oh- hi Caroline." He stuttered turning back around to meet my gaze.

"What brings you here?"

"Nothing, just thought I'd drop by."

"Oh, well Hi." I awkwardly blurted out. He fumbled with his fingers uncomfortably and then looked back up.

"Well there was another reason."

"Which is..?" I asked impatiently.

"Nevermind, its stupid. I'll catch up with you later."

"Oh, alright." I mumbled disapointed.

"Bye then."

"Bye." I murmured walking back inside.

I watched leaning against the stained glass as he ran his fingers through his hair and slumped down as he walked down the stairs. He put his hat back on kicked the edge of his car and opened and shut it forefully. Whatever was making him angry, he was really pissed off.

"Who's that?" Maggie asked pulling on my shirt. She startled me making me jump backwards out of my trance at watching the blonde boy.

"N-no one. Its time for bed come on lets go brush your teeth." Maggie whined but then yawned. She walked upstairs with me and I let her change and brush her teeth in peace. I waited in her room and looked through on of her journals. Drawings, notes to her mom, cute pictures of unicorns, and one that really caught my eye. I didn't really get to read it before she took the journal away stomping to shove it under her covers.

"My journal." She stated pulling the sheets over her head.

"I'm sorry, Mags. I was just curious." I said reasuringly rubbing her back flattening the bumps of her pijama's. She took the blanket off of her head and tucked it under her chin.

"Good night, Maggie. Don't let the bed bugs bite." She giggled and wrapped her stubby arms around my neck.

"Night, Car Car." I kissed her forehead and turned off the lights. Finally, some alone time. I took the liberty of skyping Emma because she was online.


"What's wrong?" I curiously asked getting comfortable on my bed.

"Nothing, I just miss you. How's Niall?" She winked.

"Eh, he came to my house today."

"Omygod, really? What did he say?"

"Nothing, he kind of just said hi then walked away."

"He totally likes you." Emma gushed hugging her teddy. We gave eachother teddy bears when we were like in 4th grade for Valentines Day. Being the freakish girl I love she sleeps with it every night.

"Sure- I gotta go Emma my laptop is dieing." She gave me a pouty face then agreed to let me go.

I pushed myself under the covers and grabbed my phone Niall had texted me an hour earlier.

'Sorry about bothering you, I can see your busy'

I quickly responded, 'No problem! I really wasn't. Just babysitting my cousin.'

He responded right away, 'Oh, okay. That's always fun ;)'

There was his cheeky side, the one that I really enjoyed making him work harder to show me.

'Sure, if watching toy story is fun.'

'Toy Story's a classic, you jerk.'

'Oh, you're not one of those people, are you?'

'Fine, come over tomorrow and we'll watch the newest one together. You'll love it.'

'Doubt it.'

'Wanna bet?'

'Its on.'

'Its been on.'

'Well, gotta get my beauty rest. See you tomorrow, blondie.' I smiled at my last text and turned off my phone. It was fun playing games with this boy, he was really making my time here enjoyable. Wait until tomorrow, there was no way he could convince me to like something that childish.

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