Chapter 31

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*Niall's P.O.V*

Driving home while Caroline was viciously palming at my shirt was not the easiest thing to do. After our heated make out session we agreed to go home but as I could tell Caroline was getting greedy. I honestly had never seen her this. .wanting. After an agonizing 30 minute drive we finally pulled into the campus. Lights were still seen considering it was late. It was about 1 AM last time I checked I was certain that Harry would be getting laid by some girl so I didn't have to worry about him being home.

"Come on," Caroline tugged on my hand giggling and pulling us near the dorm.

"What are you showing me?" I quized her following her towards my dorm.

As we got closer to my room I handed  her the key and she finally unlocked it fumbling with the keys between her slippery fingers. As we got in I was releaved Harry wasn't here. Caroline pulled her damp shirt over her head prancing around in only her bra, and sweat pants she put on that were in my car. She turned a corner into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub.

"Want to take a bath?"

"Huh?" I furrowed my eye brows not realizing what she meant.

"Take a bath. . . as in wash ourselves...t o g e t h e r." My eyes bulged a bit at the thought of having her sit between my legs, no clothing.

"S-sure." I gulped nervousily.

"No need to be nervous," Caroline whispered in my ear tickling my neck. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up at her touch as she peeled my top off of my torso. She ran her hands down my stomach touching my toned abbs.

I walked towards the tub and started running hot water, "Car, are you sure your okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Her normal voice came back into place.

"No reason." I shrugged. I heard her unbuckling her bra and tugging the sweats down. She stepped in front of me as I studied her body up & down. I was flabergasted at how beautiful she was.

She sat in the bubbling water covering up her nude body. I mimicked her movement and tugged my shorts down sitting behind her. My legs sitting on either edge of her she laid her head in the crook of my neck as my hands rubbed up and down her thighs. It was warm, and relaxing. Definitely something I needed. I wouldn't mind doing this more often.

*Caroline's P.O.V*

After I told Niall that I loved him I had a burst of confidence, I didn't know where it came or why matter of factly. But it happened, while I was sitting in between Nialls legs relaxing on his body I came to realize how safe he made me feel, I really did love him. I was utterly in love with him.

After about an hour or so the water started getting chillier. "Want to get out & watch a movie or something?" Niall suggested standing up from the water. Water from his legs dripped down on my temple. He got out wrapping a towel around his torso. It hugged him perfectly, it reminded me of our first time we hung out at his house. How I walked in on him changing with the towel around his waist. How we made cookies that day, how much I trusted him. I grinned stupidly to myself replaying memories in my head.

"What are you smiling at?" Niall asked as I lifted myself up from the tub getting a towel as well.

"Oh nothing. I'm just happy to have you."

"I love you, Caroline." Niall smiled intertwining our fingers over towards his bed.

"I love you too." I pulled on the same sweats and one of Niall's bruins sweat shirts and plopped on his bed. It was bouncy, and more comfortable then the girls ones.

He sat down next to me getting underneath the duvet pulling me closer to him. I laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, I tangled our feet together underneath the covers and just laid there in silence.

"How am I so lucky to have you," I mumbled into his bare skin.

"Because fate brought us together. We're to different people in this world who found love with eachother."

"But I just feel lost sometimes of how much I wonder why your with me. I'm not at all near perfect."

It was silent for a moment, I listened to his calm breathing. He ran his fingers through my tangled hair.

"Not all those who wonder are lost." He inhaled deeply. "I don't need perfect, I need you." He kissed my forehead lingering his lips onto my skin.

"I just want you to be able to have someone you really love, I just want to know that its true."

"But it is. I will always prove to you that I care & love you deeply, Caroline." He sat up a bit propping his head on the head board. I looked up at the ceiling watching the little grooves indented on the white plates.

"Its just hard." I sighed.

"I'm not telling you its going to be easy, I'm telling you its going to be worth it." He looked down at me our faces centimeters apart.

"Why are you so perfect?" I sighed again admiring his blue sparkling eyes.

"I'm not perfect. I can't do everything. . .but I'd do anything for you." He grinned rubbing our noses together. He pecked my lips and backed up a bit.

"I love you so much." I whispered while my eyes started to close. I was drifting into a deep sleep in the arms of a man I loved. I knew I could completley trust him now. If he didn't have any problem opening up towards his feelings with me, why should I?

I was going to tell him about Steve someday, and maybe someday I won't have to endure any more pain with him. But for now, I was with Niall. The boy I loved more then anything.

I fell asleep that night hearing the last words that lingered on his breath, "You have no idea how much I love you."

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